The truth about Bani Hilal in the Amazigh countries
At first the Bedouin tribe of Banu Hilal lived in the desert of the Hijaz in the Arabian Peninsula, and they lived on Bedouin, roughness, looting and banditry. And when the Qarmatians appeared in the Arabian Peninsula who stole the Black Stone and plundered the money of Mecca and disrupted the Hajj season, that tribe sided with them and helped them in their wars and raids on pilgrims and trade caravans. In the time of Al-Aziz, the Fatimid Caliph, these tribes were expelled from the Hijaz to the Sinai desert in Egypt because of their brutality, roughness and corruption. They descended in the Egyptian Upper Egypt towards the Red Sea and remained there despite their primitiveness and roughness, cutting roads and plundering convoys.
The truth of Bani Hilal in the Amazigh country and the blowing up of the lies of the Arabs
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When Al-Mu'izz bin Badis in Tunisia turned against the Fatimid caliphate, Al-Mustansir Al-Fatimi decided to throw Al-Muizz bin Badis with those savage tribes to take revenge on him on the one hand, and to save Egypt from its corruption and sabotage on the other. The displacement of these savage Bedouin tribes began in the middle of the fifth century AH, and they rushed like hungry locusts, looting everything that fell into their hands and sabotaging what they could.
1 - Ibn Khaldun says in The Book of Lessons, Part One - 8 of 258:
And Morocco, when the Banu Hilal had been permitted to it since the first of the fifth century, and they practiced it for three hundred and fifty years, it caught up with it and its ruins returned to all its ruins, after what was between the Sudan and the Rumi sea was all urbanization.
2 The Iraqi sociologist, Dr. Ali Al-Wardi, says:
Before the attack of Bani Hilal, the Maghreb countries were full of bounties, and trade and industry were flourishing. Then, after the attack, it turned into a land where corruption and devastation were common. The devastation remained visible in Morocco for a long time. One of the proofs of this is what Abdullah Al-Tijani, the Tunisian traveler who traveled in Tunisia and Libya in the early eighth century, told us. He said in the course of his talk about the city of Sfax: Before there were orchards and an olive forest adjacent to its wall, but the Arabs of Banu Hilal destroyed it so they did not There is now a tree left standing.
False numbers are unfounded!
One of the funny lies about the story of Bani Hilal is that some Arabs blow into the numbers of these destructive shepherds who were expelled to North Africa in the eleventh century, making of them hundreds of thousands, or even millions, sometimes by stoning in the unseen without evidence!!! As happened when one of the Arab nationalists brazenly claimed that the number of Bani Hilal exceeds a million!!! These mythical numbers are not only exaggerated and imaginary, but certainly tendentious, and their purpose, of course, is to suggest that all the Arabized inhabitants of North Africa today are the descendants of Bani Hilal!! This is what will be blown up and refuted with scientific evidence shortly, so how is it possible to move a huge human group with this number on foot for long distances?! How did they eat, drink and communicate? This is something of fantasy and fantasy, of course, and a healthy mind would not believe it. History has never witnessed an event like this simply because it was something impossible in that era. The truth is that Bani Hilal were just a small group of nomads and unwanted wandering bandits that were They were expelled from the East because of their barbarism, and their number does not exceed a few thousand individuals, as the maximum estimate, like all the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula. And the deadly plague that swept the whole of North Africa after their arrival killed more than half of them after that.
Most of the Arabs today in North Africa are Amazighs, not descendants of Bani Hilal
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It is not at all conceivable that the descendants of a group of Arab tribes that migrated to North Africa will become 160 million people today in North Africa, which is the population of North Africa today.. In contrast, the descendants of hundreds of other major Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula today are only 40 million people, which is the population of the Arabian Peninsula today!!! How does this make sense? This is a myth against reason and logic. To say that all the Arabized inhabitants of North Africa today are the descendants of Bani Hilal and others.. is a pure myth and a lie that has been exposed by modern genetics Y- DNA Today, this claim has become just a funny myth repeated by some naive illiterates with parrotism, and the truth is that most of the current Arabized North African population today are Arabized Amazighs in the majority and belong to the same lineage to which the Amazigh-speaking Amazighs belong, as proven by scientific analyzes of the population’s blood haplogroup, which confirms that more than 90% of the North African population is descended from the same haplogroup  E1b1b1b  to which all Amazighs belong, while Arabs belong to haplogroup   J1 . And the remaining 10% is distributed among other races, such as the European race, the black African sub-Saharan, the Turkish and the Levantine... and this confirms that the remnants of the dark-skinned Bani Hilal Bedouins dispersed and dissolved in the original population and left no trace of them distinguishing them, especially that the The white Amazigh features are the overwhelming majority of the North African population, while the Banu Hilal were dark-skinned, brown-skinned, as was the case with all the desert Arab Bedouin tribes in the Hijaz and the Levant at that time.
A simple arithmetic operation exposes the lies of Arab nationalists
Let us go along with the claims of the Moroccan Arab nationalists for a moment and assume for the sake of argument that the number of Bani Hilal is in the hundreds of thousands as these prejudiced claim, then we make a simple calculation of the population growth rate at that time, which does not exceed 2% today in the third world, so what about the population growth rate in the past centuries that was Much less, of course, and it was close to zero due to deadly epidemics, malnutrition, famine, diseases and lack of medicines. But it is okay to just go along with the claims of Arab nationalists to expose their ridiculous lies. Let us suppose for the sake of argument that the number of Banu Hilal, according to their claim, is 200,000 as the maximum estimate.. And if we note that the date of the displacement of Banu Hilal was 1100 AD, that is, 900 years ago. And if we take the current population growth rate in the third world, which is 2%. And if we take into account the famines and epidemics that struck North Africa, such as the plague, which claimed hundreds of thousands. And through a simple arithmetic operation, we will finally arrive at that the number of the descendants of Bani Hilal today will not exceed at best ten million people  distributed among Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania, meaning an ethnic minority: So, what are the origins of the rest of the Arabized population remaining, which exceeds tens of millions in the region, simply They are Egyptians and Arabized Berbers, because during the displacement of Bani Hilal to North Africa, it was not an empty area, but rather it was inhabited by hundreds of thousands of Berbers . , And also hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who inhabited all of Upper Egypt, so how is it possible that the descendants of these original inhabitants of this region would simply disappear in a manner that is not commensurate with the huge number of their ancestors?! Unless the Berbers and Egyptians were sterile, while the Hilal Bedouins multiply by cellular fission like bacteria!!! It seems that one has to clear one's mind and throw it away in order to believe the irrational, ridiculous nonsense of the Arab nationalists, so a little objectivity, please.
Ibn Khaldun says.
We have mentioned what happened to this generation of Amazighs, the abundance of their number, the large number of their tribes and generations... and what all of their news bears witness that it is a generation dear to the days, and that they are a feared people whose side is strong with many shares, their gathering as supporters of the nations of the world and its generations of Arabs, Persians and Greece and the Romans.
The Amazighs are the vast ethnic majority in North Africa
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A map explaining the locations and distribution of large human races in the world. It is evident in the map about North Africa that the Amazigh race, which belongs to  E1b1b   and is symbolized by the light brown color on the map, is the dominant and dominant in North Africa, while the Arab race is a minority symbolized by the color Dark green and the rest are a minority distributed between European and sub-Saharan African breeds.
What is confirmed by history and confirmed by all the scientific evidence, especially the analyzes of the blood haplogroup, is that the Amazighs constitute the overwhelming majority to this day in North Africa, and they have never been a minority in their history in North Africa. The fanatic of Arabism that aims to obliterate the Amazigh identity, and all manifestations of the Amazigh culture in North Africa!.
Arabs are an ethnic minority in North Africa.. the bitter truth
 The Arabs are an ethnic minority in North Africa, and it is useless to blow into the numbers of Bani Hilal and others. And one who contemplates the following genetic map, notices that the percentage of the Arab race in North Africa is hardly more than 10% at best, which is the same percentage in Asia and Europe. And this is the bitter truth for the Arab nationalists of the Maghreb, who are fanatical about Arabism, who say that the Arabs of North Africans are Arabs, without any evidence other than relying on some myths and legends that modern science refutes. The following map shows the proportion of the Arab dynasty within the world's population:
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The map shows the percentage of the ancestry to which the Arabs belong within the world’s population, and the contemplator of the map notes that the percentage of the ancestry to which the Arabs belong in North Africa hardly ranges between 2% and 10% in most cases, according to the key of the map. And the percentage is almost the same in the whole of Europe, India and Central Asia as well.
The movement of Bani Hilal from the East to the Maghreb is not an emigration, but an exile and expulsion    
One of the biggest lies that are being circulated about Bani Hilal is describing their movement from the East to the Maghreb as immigration, and this is not true at all. In fact, they were exiled and expelled towards the Maghreb and deported against their noses from the East and forced to leave the place because they were a subversive and unwanted tribe wherever they went. The Arabs are lies, exaggeration and exaggeration. The historical truth confirms that the Banu Hilal is just a few Bedouin Arab tribe of nomadic shepherds who are not wanted at all wherever they came because they were just a savage Bedouin tribe that was bound to loot, pillage and sabotage as described by Ibn Khaldun, and he moved it from the Hijaz. To Egypt and then to Morocco, it was not an emigration of its own will at all. Rather, it was exiled, expelled, and deported from one region to another towards Morocco because of its corruption, tyranny and brutality to get rid of it because it is a group of Arabs, savages, saboteurs who are only skilled in looting, looting and cutting roads, as he describes them. Ibn Khaldun :Their tricks are treacherous, and they do not take into account neither religion nor denomination, in accordance with the words of God, the Mighty and Sublime, the Bedouins are more severe in unbelief and hypocrisy.
The Arabs of Bani Hilal have nothing to do with spreading Islam in North Africa
This is the lie that the Arabs claim that Banu Hilal contributed to the spread of Islam in North Africa!!!! And for my life, this is the biggest lie that only the naive and the idiot can believe. Islam spread throughout North Africa centuries before the advent of Bani Hilal. The Arabs of Bani Hilal, whose story was marred by lies and legends, have nothing to do with spreading Islam, as the biased Arabs claim falsely and falsely today without little evidence. They have no preference for any civilized contribution, but rather they ruined the existing civilization and construction in the first place.