The World Amazigh Assembly calls on African countries to put an end to the genocide against the Tuareg of Azawad
The World Amazigh Assembly calls on African countries to put an end to the genocide against the Tuareg of Azawad 1---512
Rachid Rakha, the World Amazigh Assembly, wrote to a number of foreign ministers of some African countries calling on them to put an end to the genocide against the Tuareg people of Azawad. He also called on them to condemn the dirty game practiced by Algeria’s generals, and to work to bring peace to Mali and the Sahel region. The message was addressed to:
Mr. Nasser Bourita, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad of the Kingdom of Morocco;
- Mr. Abdallah Diop, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Mali
- Mr. Sameh Hassan Shukri Slim, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt;
- Mr. Nabil Ammar, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of the Republic of Tunisia;
- Mr. Mohamed Salem Ould Marzouk, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania;
– Mrs. Aissata Tal Sall, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad of the Republic of Senegal;
– Ms. Olivia Ragnagnoende Rwamba, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Burkina Faso;
- Mr. Mohamed Saleh Nazif, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chadians Abroad and International Cooperation of the Republic of Chad;
- Mr. Abdel Hamid Al-Dabaiba, Prime Minister of the Libyan National Unity Government;
The letter stated: “The World Amazigh Assembly, as an international non-governmental organization defending the rights of the Amazigh, asks you about a fundamental issue related to the immediate future of Azawad and peace in Mali and the Sahel region.
We were astonished to see Algerian government officials offering themselves as mediators in Niger's crisis, following the coup against its imprisoned president, Mohamed Bazoum, as they had done before in Mali by imposing the 2015 Algiers Accords on Bilal Ag Acharif. We highly appreciate the frank and courageous response of the new Nigerian authorities and their position rejecting the aforementioned mediation. The truth is that the Algerian officers, who are known for their dirty work, act like fools and mentally ill people through their satanic tricks as they cause fires to start, while at the same time presenting themselves as savior firefighters seeking to help put out the fire!
The World Amazigh Assembly calls on African countries to put an end to the genocide against the Tuareg of Azawad 1-599
If Mali has witnessed multiple coups d'état, followed by Burkina Faso and then Niger recently, this is mainly due to the lack of security resulting from jihadist terrorist groups, which the armies of these Sahel countries have unfortunately failed to eradicate! Too often, we simply forget to ask the following basic question: Who is behind the creation of these terrorist groups in the Sahara and the Sahel region, which has been known for centuries as a region of peace and isolation, where different ethnic groups live in harmony and respect, especially the Tuareg, Moors and Fulani? , Dogon, Tebu, Sh and Ngai…?
Our non-governmental organization, the “International Amazigh Rally”, has been pointing the finger at the Algerian military intelligence [1], which was behind the creation of the terrorist group “Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb”, as attested to by the valuable study conducted by François Guise and Salima Mallah [ 2]. As a result, they are directly responsible for all the murders committed, and still being committed, in the Sahel countries. This Algerian military intelligence, known as “ DRS ” ( Department of Intelligence and Security), before it turned into the General Directorate of Documentation and External Security “ DGDSE ”, not only financed, advised and provided information via satellite to its jihadist mercenaries in the Sahel region, as is the case. As for “Iyad Ag Ghali,” the leader of Ansar Dine, for whom it provided (and continues to provide) refuge on its territory, it also provides Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (which has taken a new name, the Group for the Support of Islam and Muslims - GSIM), with candidates recruited especially from Among the Sahrawis detained in the Tindouf camps [3].
If the Sahel region has turned into a powder keg, leading to the destabilization of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger (which may affect other African countries such as Mauritania and Chad), then Algeria’s generals are primarily responsible for this, and they are not the only ones. They are counting on the certain miserable and incomprehensible complicity of the French state. How is that?
In a frank response to a question from Jeune Afrique magazine: In your view, is the state of Azawad viable? “I hope that an acceptable agreement will be reached between Bamako and the armed groups,” said Mr. Romano Prodi, former President of the European Commission and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Sahel from 2012 to 2014. Because I consider that without reaching an agreement with the North, there will never be peace in Mali.” [4]. In this sense, and in the same vein, the Managing Director of our NGO, Dr. Mimoun Chargui, suggested that the optimal solution to the prevailing insecurity in the Sahel region will only be achieved through a fundamentally political solution: the application of Article 3 of the “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.” He granted political autonomy to Azawad within the framework of a Malian federal state, similar to Iraqi Kurdistan [5], and was inspired by “the Tamazgha Charter for a cross-border democratic and social confederation based on the right to self-government of the regions” [6]. It is a solution agreed upon by the parties to the Malian conflict in Ouagadougou on December 4, 2012, at the initiative of former Burkinabé President Blaise Compaore, which received the support of the Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO) and with the participation of both the Malian government and representatives of the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, who stressed the “rejection of terrorism . ” And to respect territorial integrity, they agreed on “the necessity of creating a framework for dialogue in order to reach a cessation of hostilities,” as the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad would abandon the independence of the north in exchange for guarantees of “expanded autonomy” [7], similar to the autonomy proposal it presented. Morocco in 2007 to resolve the Sahara issue.
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But all these political proposals to resolve this conflict were aborted due to the hostile position of France, which recruited its army, unilaterally, through Operation “Serval” in January 2013, and then Operation “Barkhane,” through which it deployed more than 5,000 soldiers and a huge budget that reached its financial resources. To one billion euros annually. Without forgetting the “Tabuka Task Force” process in 2020, which was able to involve several governments from the European Union (Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal, Sweden, etc.).
France insisted on giving priority to the military solution over political solutions! Today, its special military forces find themselves expelled from Mali, and on the way to being expelled from Niger, with the accompanying increase in insecurity and the proliferation of various terrorist groups in the Liptako region on the three borders!
What is more dangerous than that is that the current French president, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, is trying to whitewash Algeria’s criminal generals, such as General Jabbar Mehanna, who is directly responsible for the horrific and despicable assassination that claimed the lives of the seven French monks of Tibharine, which is what journalist Hisham Abboud mentioned in a recent video and article. [8]! The French authorities are doing nothing to bring this criminal to justice, and today he is the powerful head of Algerian intelligence and the main interlocutor of French intelligence? It is France's duty to bring Mohanna Jabbar before the International Criminal Court, similar to what the Swiss Federal Criminal Court did against his colleague, Major General Khaled Nizar!
Finally, as the great Amazigh King Masinissa raised the slogan two thousand years ago: “Africa for the Africans,” all countries of North Africa and the Sahel are called upon, more than ever before, to unite their efforts and use all their influence to achieve peace, combat the scourge of jihadist terrorism, and stop civil wars. To achieve this, it will be necessary:
The World Amazigh Assembly calls on African countries to put an end to the genocide against the Tuareg of Azawad 1--1258
- First , stop rolling out the red carpet in front of government officials in countries that encourage Islamist terrorism, led by Algeria, and cut all diplomatic and economic relations with them.
Secondly , calling on Russia [9], which wants to strengthen its presence in Africa, to withdraw its Wagner mercenary militias from Mali (and from Libya). It is unacceptable for some of our African countries, which have begun to liberate themselves from the bondage of French neo-colonialism, to fall into the grip of new Russian colonialism, or worse, to be manipulated within the framework of Russia’s military geostrategy against the European Union countries that support Ukraine. By opening a new front for it in the south;
Third , it must avoid complicity in a new process of ethnic cleansing and respect the rights of the indigenous people, led by “white or colored Africans,” namely the Tuareg and Moors. In this context, the military commanders of the Malian Armed Forces (FAMa ) and the Tuareg fighters in the Coordination of Movements of Azawad ( CMA ) or the Permanent Strategic Framework ( CSP ) should be urgently encouraged to sit down again at the dialogue table and agree on the formation of a federal territorial system that will constitute the best political option to save... “Mali and the Sahel region.”
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Copies addressed to:
- Mr. Moussa Faki, Chairman of the African Union Commission;
- Dr. Omar Aliu Touray, Chairperson of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission;
– Mr. Josep Borrell, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union;
– Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of the European Parliament;
- Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations;
- Mr. Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State of the United States of America.
