China develops one of the largest remotely piloted ships
China develops one of the largest remotely piloted ships 2486 
Navy Recognition has announced that China has begun work on a large, remote-controlled ship project.
According to the information obtained by the site, “the prototype of the ship will be manufactured under the supervision of Research Institute No. 716 of the Chinese State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), and according to the developers, this ship will be the most advanced remotely piloted ship in China.”
The site indicated that the new ship will be built according to the designs of (flying boats), meaning that its hull rises with movement thanks to its sides equipped with wing-like curves, which will give this ship high speed and the ability to travel long distances, in addition to that it will be equipped with advanced equipment that will enable it to perform its tasks properly. Independent depending on different scenarios.
China develops one of the largest remotely piloted ships 6208 
The site noted that the 716 Research Institute of CSSC specializes in developing defense technologies in China, meaning that the new ship may have military uses for the most part.
It should be noted that the CSSC had shown during the last Saudi World Defense Show a project of a 300-ton unmanned boat, and one of the most prominent features of this boat, according to its developers, is its capabilities to carry unmanned helicopters.
Source: RT Arabic