My Child Is Distracted: 3 Ways To Strengthen A Child's Ability To Focus And Its Duration
My Child Is Distracted: 3 Ways To Strengthen A Child's Ability To Focus And Its Duration 2196
distracted child
You have a vacation and you intend to write. Here you are preparing the laptop and sitting down to squeeze your thoughts and start writing.. Suddenly the door knocks and you get upset and go to open the door. If your neighbor, who is at the same time your friend, is at the door.. She chose the wrong time to come, she cut the rope of your thoughts and although you love her, she cut you off Your focus.. you know that many things like this happen with your children. Your children also suffer from many things that interrupt their thoughts and focus.

We don't even think for a moment about the impact of the distractions that toddlers and older children are exposed to, perhaps because we don't appreciate what they do and don't consider what they do to be of value.. Yet we want them to learn and excel.
We want them to be able to listen patiently in school and have the ability to persevere to solve difficult problems and realize their dreams. We want their attention to be something natural and learning to be fun.
The first years of life are essential to developing the ability to focus and pay attention.
My Child Is Distracted: 3 Ways To Strengthen A Child's Ability To Focus And Its Duration 681
Here are 3 ways to extend the focus time in a child:
1) Minimal entertainment and stimulation. Children are creatures of habit and may get used to having fun instead of doing what comes naturally.
Constant stimulation tires parents out and causes a child who is overstimulated to get bored quickly. Pediatrician Magda Gerber has taught others that children are not naturally bored. But the parents are the ones who make them bored. Children are fascinated by the way their bodies can move, and are drawn in by the sights, sounds, smells, nooks and crannies that we adults take for granted. They need time to experience and internalize those things.
2) No television or videos in the first two years of their life
Television and videos are the most powerful way to undermine a child's attention span and focus. These things attract the child's attention, take all his focus and make him not do activities that make the focus muscles flexible. Imagine the power of attraction that TV generates.. You may be sitting with the coolest people in the world, but you find your eyes are drawn to the damn TV. For an in-depth study of the impact of television, I highly recommend Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think - And What We Can Do About It, by Jane M. Healy (Endangered Minds: Why Children Don't Think - And What We Can Do About It) That, by Jane M. Healy, Ph.D.)
3) Yes to the safe warm place.
In order for the child to remain occupied for a long time he must have a safe place. It may start with a small crib or cradle, grow with the baby to be a playpen and finally allocate an enclosed or fenced play area. The big places where we find things that are not safe for the child is not the safe, comfortable place that the child needs to focus intensely. . The child cannot play for long periods of time when he is distracted due to the nervousness of the parents concerned about his safety and the repetition of the word “no” every time he touches something.