The Eight Fears That Spoil The Lives Of Parents And Their Children
The Eight Fears That Spoil The Lives Of Parents And Their Children 2506 
The life of parents and their children
Parenting is one of the most rewarding professions, but it is also one of the most difficult. Many new parents worry that they don't know what to do. However, there are practical ways to get rid of the obstacles in your life as parents, and to be able to have more fun with your child.
It's normal to experience strong feelings during pregnancy and after the baby is born. You will surely feel happiness, love, fun, and surprise. At other times, you will feel stressed, angry and frustrated.
Many parents have to gradually learn to become a parent. It may also seem to you that it is difficult to control your feelings and emotions, especially if you live far from your parents or are learning to be parents on your own.
The birth of a child is often different from what you would expect. For example, you may worry that the birth didn't go as planned, or that breastfeeding is more difficult than you imagined, or that you are having bad days.
Many parents feel lost, as if they can't get out of the vortex. However, you will find your way and your confidence will gradually increase over time.
It is also very common to have negative feelings towards your child. If these feelings are strong, recur without stopping or persist for a long time, you should talk about the matter with a psychologist.
?But what are the most common fears 
It's normal to feel anxious and stressed when you're in charge of a new baby. Here are some common concerns, along with tips on how to deal with them.

1- Fear of sudden infant death syndrome
Many mothers fear that their baby will choke, turn or die suddenly and unexpectedly due to breastfeeding. This syndrome is very rare, even if the possibility of its occurrence is certainly possible.
To reduce the risk, put your child to sleep on his back, do not smoke, make sure his head is not covered, and do not overheat. The most suitable place for your child to sleep is the crib next to you in your bedroom for a period ranging from the first 6 months to the age of one year.
2- You are afraid of getting hurt
Babies have a soft part of the head called the fontanelle. Fontanelles are more resistant and durable than you might think. Although you should always take care of your baby's head, you can't harm the fontanelle just by touching it or putting your hand on it.
3- What if my baby cries a lot?
It is normal for a newborn baby to cry a lot. The periods of crying spells increase between 2 and 3 weeks of age and reach their maximum at 6 and 8 weeks of age. It is more common in the afternoon and early evening.
4- What if my baby sleeps a lot?
Some babies sleep most of the time, while others wake up frequently. During the first weeks, your baby should eat between 8 and 12 times in 24 hours.
As long as your child needs frequent and frequent diaper changes, and his stools are mustard-coloured, there is unlikely to be a problem.
The Eight Fears That Spoil The Lives Of Parents And Their Children 6227 
5- You are afraid that your child will not be “normal”
Mothers often compare the growth and development of their children with that of other children. However, children grow at a different pace, and reach milestones at different times. 10 to 15% of children have a developmental delay before the age of three. Monitor your child's development regularly with growth charts in your child's health record.
Trust your instincts, and if you're concerned, talk to your health care professional.
6- You are afraid that the child will fall
Protect the house from falls or slips. Make sure that there are no tears or problems in the rug or carpet that could get one's foot stuck in it and lead to a fall. Remove items from the steps of the stairs, and take your time while walking with the child.
7- What if you can't love your child?
It is common for mothers and fathers to feel unable to create enough bonds with their newborn . It may take days, weeks or months before you feel close to your child. You will actually feel a mixture of emotions. If you feel very weak and have been away from the baby for a long time, talk to a specialist.
8- Worrying about money
Many parents fear that they may not be able to support their child financially. It is important to start planning before the birth and make a budget immediately after the baby is born.