Teaching children dining etiquette and good manners at the table
Teaching children dining etiquette and good manners at the table 2524 
Hello all visitors to my dear child's world, it is very nice to see respectful, polite children who are able to deal with things despite their young age. And the most wonderful thing is that they are our children. But do not forget that we are the source of this literature and respect for our children. In this article, we will show you the most important tips and directions to teach your children dining etiquette and good manners at the table.
The most important tips and directions for teaching our children dining etiquette and table respect
The child should eat food on the dining table, and it should be clean and tidy
Teach the child from a young age to wash his hands before and after eating, even if he is a year old, for example, wash it for him while you talk to him that we must wash our hands before and after eating, when he grows up it will become a habit.
When a young child begins to eat on his own, we must teach him to arrange his things and to arrange the cup, plate and spoon.
Most of the children start holding the spoon upside down. Be patient and do not rush with time and learning will know how to hold it. Children at first throw dishes on the ground or play with it and spill what is in it, so be careful and teach them without nervousness.
If a child smears himself or his surroundings with food or chocolate, those around him should not laugh, so that it does not become a habit associated with fun for him. Talking to him can be directed to wipe his hands and mouth and not repeat it and be careful.
If the family fails to correct the child and it always becomes a mess at the time of eating, then it must be dealt with firmly and take the plate and go to sleep or his room without food so that he knows the value of food with time, he will learn to be tidy and respect food.
The child should know that one of the etiquette of eating is to chew food well, close the mouth on it, and not open the mouth and talk while the mouth has food in it.
It is forbidden to watch TV at mealtime, so it must be closed so as not to distract the child from eating.
If the child has finished his food, he must ask permission before he gets up, because this is one of the correct and important eating behaviors, and if he refuses, he is not suitable for sitting with adults, then he will sit alone to learn the value of sitting at the table with adults.
If the child says that he is full, do not force him to eat more and let him go, this is healthy for him, unless he is completely out of appetite. There are appetites and ways to encourage food.
Teach your children to respect eating etiquette from the age of three, at this age he can sit with the rest of the family and it is not acceptable to leave food and run around the house and his mother runs after him to feed him, if he leaves food we warn him that if he does not return he will not eat and he must respect the laws of food at that age otherwise He will be punished in the punishment chair for 5 minutes sitting alone or deprived of going out to a place for non-compliance.
It is best to adhere to specific food dates for the child and not to eat any snacks, chips or biscuits at least two hours before food, so that he does not refuse food and do not equalize it with sweets so that it is not a negative habit for him.
You must commit to eating at home and try to reduce eating in restaurants except once every two weeks and teach your children to prepare the table with you so that they feel the value of what they are doing even if they are 3 years old. Give them spoons to put on the table and with time they will learn.
 When parents or relatives are present at food, the child should share the table with them in order to learn social interaction.
And of course Islamic etiquette, as God and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, commanded us to call God, eat with our right hands, and eat from in front of us.
Teach your children to eat a third of food, a third of drink, and a third of the stomach for breath or air so that the child does not become obese.
 Teach your children that it is one of the etiquette of eating that I should close my mouth while chewing, and not throw food and slander it if I do not like it. Rather, I thank God for his blessing. And not to make a mess around me, and I must be careful while eating so that it does not spill.
You must teach your children to adhere to food and not to eat too much, and after we are full, we thank God and say praise be to God.
