The stage of biting, hitting and slapping in children: its causes and ways to deal with it:
Hello all visitors to the world of my dear child, our topic for this article is hitting, slapping and biting in children. Everyone who has a child between one and a half and three years old knows this stage well. Suddenly and without introduction the child slaps the face of his mother, father or another child, suddenly the child attracts your hair Suddenly the child will bite and pinch you, suddenly the little hands will attack you with very painful blows, this is a stage that all children go through and mothers and fathers complain about.
The stage of biting, hitting and slapping in children 2525 
What are the reasons for this stage? What is the best way to deal with it??
Causes of the biting, hitting and slapping phase:
There are two main reasons for this stage:
The first reason is the interest.
A child less than three years old is a selfish being of the first degree. He is the center of the universe and everyone is harnessed to serve him, to entertain him, and to respond to his requests. At this age the child does not understand that so-and-so is tired, busy, working, resting, sad, or other normal human emotions. A child may look at his mother and see her sad, he will realize her sadness, but he will not know how to leave her alone or how to play away from her or how to take into account her feelings because he will simply insist on his right to attention, play and entertainment. He will slap her until she looks at him.
The second reason is the expression:
As for the child's ability to express at this stage, it is a very limited ability,  most children do not speak at the age of one and a half years and those who speak little at the age of two cannot use their words to express themselves.
How does a child say to his mother, "Look at me and play with me"? hit her
How does a child say to his father, "Please leave your phone and talk to me"? slap him
How does a child say to his grandfather, "I'm so glad you came and let's play"? bite him
How does one child say to another child, "This is my toy, don't take it"? slap him and bite him
Thus, in the pre-speech stage, the child expresses himself.
What do we do to pass this stage peacefully?
Or not:
 Understand your child's motives and avoid provoking him. Don't ignore him and don't get busy with others. If you have to look at your phone, ask him for permission and explain your reasons to him.
Help your child with words. Tell him you understand his anger and ask him, "Are you angry that I left you?" or "Are you bored?" or "Do you want us to play together?"
Right the affliction before it happens Right the hand before it slaps you or hits you and hold it firmly and tell the child that hitting is forbidden and then kiss his hand. Until he understands you and keeps loving you.
Do not leave children playing alone without supervision. If your child is talking he will hit him who does not talk and if your child is not talking he will hit everyone.
Do not then do not hit him, do not hit him! How do you teach him not to hit while you are his idol?
Circumstances of the situation: A child who is hungry, tired, sleepy or in pain is more prone to bouts of hitting, slapping and biting.
Ban on sugars, sweets and everything that is full of preservatives! These products and their components affect brain chemistry directly and lose the child's ability to control himself.
Review what the child receives through the screens around him. Ads, series and news programs are not suitable for children.
 Remember that a child under two years of age should not be exposed to screens at all, and the maximum limit for a child after two years is half an hour apart.
Make sure your child is not a victim of violence before you accuse him of violence.