?? How to be a strong and assertive mother throughout the day without screaming and hitting

a very important behavior that reflects a very strong personality of the mother, which is to be a strong and resolute mother throughout the day without using beatings or even screaming with her children. In this article, we will show you the most important details related to the topic, continue to the end.
?? How to be a strong and assertive mother throughout the day without screaming and hitting 2237
In order to be a strong and resolute mother throughout the day without screaming and hitting, you must:
: Control your temper and use softness
You must suppress your anger and bear them, for your children are a trust, and their upbringing is a message. If you feel that you have reached the point of anger, get out and change your place until you calm down.
Use the style of feelings I was sad because you lied and use body language, the child is affected by the sadness of his mother.
Pray and plant the most beautiful attributes of God within him:
For example: I am sad because you hurt your brothers and I do not like God to see you and hear you lie and hurt you, you are my beloved son and hug him, then he will apologize and regret, thank him and kiss his head and tell him I know that you did not know that God is all-hearing and all-seeing, since now he has watched your words and your movements.
Beating is not your right to hit them and the harm is greater than the benefit. You need to control your anger and a little oblivious to some things. Children are really children. Accept their childhood. A day will come and they will grow up and leave, they will only have the effects of your upbringing, so make the impact better.
A silent mother who does not scream is stronger in a child than a mother who screams use
Dialogue, Persuasion and Persuasion:
Benefits of persuasion and self-reliance:
When you grow up, you become successful and organized. Of a young man caught on something on it. Explain it to them with humor and laughter. When you become an old man, you will hit everyone around you and insult them because you are used to that from your childhood. The most important thing is to convey the idea to them with a classy and humorous dialogue. Like me, the scene will laugh and be affected.
As for enticement:
For example, who will not hit or curse today will have a special session. How is that?? For example, your meeting over Moroccan coffee, say this for the polite so-and-so, offer him sweets, talk to him, and ask him why I rewarded you with a special session, you are the most important person in it, and listen to what he says and motivate him.
Thus, great benefits in less than half an hour.
Also rewards An outing for a walk, playing, running in large areas, riding sledges and bicycles may be useful in unloading the child's energy towards healthy development. Make sure that the reward is effective and has its impact. When you give him a gift of any kind, make it the same as if you reward him with a walk in the nearest park where he runs and plays, even in the yard or the roof of the house, and you will notice the difference. Make the wrapped gifts present to the child because you love him or because he succeeded, and do not include guidance in education and discipline, because that is negative and costly.
A very important point. If your children are addicted to watching TV and watch more than an hour or two at most, this is the biggest reason why they are troublesome. Set a time for this and save your children before it's too late.

Watch out, mother.
A very important word from the Almighty’s verse (and do not wish to multiply), which is:
The mother should be careful while dealing with her children, not to wish them to raise them, watch over them and provide for their needs in life. Many mothers, when they get angry at their children, begin to enumerate the things that I have given them (I gave you and watched over you and toiled myself for you and...and...).
Be careful if you are raising your children in order that they may bless you only in your old age and you find good treatment from them (I mean I gave you to give me) be careful of your intention and lose it, God may entrust you to them because you only raised them for yourself and your comfort when you grow up.

Pay attention to intentions:
Always make what you offer to God, and do not expect from humankind to return you a favor. God is the one who manages the affairs, and He is the one who makes the outcome of things good or bad, according to your intention. Intention you reach the degree of martyrs while you are in your bed.
Be careful when you get angry with your children by saying that I regret the upbringing that I raised you with, the days and hours I stayed up for you, and my life that I wasted for your comfort, and you are still tiring me.
Be careful. You are raising for the sake of God. You want reward from God, not from your children. Do not worry about their righteousness. God will guarantee him for you, as long as you intend nothing but his satisfaction and obedience. God will not lose hope for you and will not disappoint you, because he is thankful to the Almighty.
Watch your intention and always renew it, and if I offended you, ask God for forgiveness, for He is forgiving and forgives what has passed.
