does the word "Russian" mean and how did the Russian people appear
does the word "Russian" mean and how did the Russian people appear 246
In search of the origin of the words “Russian”, “Rus”, “Russian”, we will certainly plunge into the depths of the centuries and get acquainted with a number of interesting and unexpected facts about the origin of the word Rus.
Enough, a few thousand years sure,. According to one hypothesis, "ros", "light brown" rosvi, means "red", "red" . These meanings are presented to us by etymological dictionaries of the Russian language. But surprisingly, words with the root "Rus" are translated in a similar way from some other languages of the Indo-European group, as well as from Old Russian. These are Latin, Lithuanian, Latvian and even Arabic languages.
Supporters of another hypothesis claim that in translation from Iranian languages, "Russian" means "light", "white" . The third theory says that the word comes from the ancient Norse "rowers".
Each of these points of view has a right to exist. How were the ancient Russians like? Sailor is tall, blond-haired and red-faced. This is how the authors of ancient texts describe them.
It is interesting that the word "Rus" appeared long before the emergence of the Old Russian state.
Regions called "Rus" existed in different parts of Europe from the 1st to the 4th century AD. BC Alexander Eliseev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, offers one of the most interesting descriptions. He came to the conclusion that the state of Ancient Rus was located on an island in the Azov region and appeared there no later than the 1st century AD.
The ancient oriental geographers measured "Russia" with a three-day trip, describing cities with a population of one hundred thousand. Eliseev insists on having a Russian military base on the island.
The Russians shook the color red - indicates a fight or a red face?
Back to the meaning of the word "Russian". Why does the word "ros" mean "red"? It is worth remembering that red is a combative color. It was widespread in ancient Russia. The warships were painted red, red banners were hoisted on the old plaques, they were mentioned in the "Lay of Igor's Regiment".
In red, the Russians put war paint on their faces. Perhaps that is why they are described as red-faced. Russians
“Like the palm, blond, red in the face, white in the body,” this is how he described them (Ibn Fadlan)
The Arabs noted in their writings that the inhabitants of Russia preferred war and trade to agriculture. Marwazi says so
“They are a strong, mighty and mighty people, and they go to distant places with the intention of raiding” without fear.
It should be noted here that many researchers do not recognize the Russians and the Slavs, claiming that the first to capture Kyiv and enslave the local population. Others are inclined to conclude that the Russians are a special class of the Slavs, oriented towards war. His fighter class, adherents of both views agree that the Russians dominated the Slavs. as warriors
Not only Arab, but also European sources speak of the aggressiveness, strength and cruelty of the Russians. Moreover, the fighting spirit was strengthened with the advent of the Old Russian state:
If not the Slavs, then who?
According to one hypothesis, the Russians are the descendants of the Roksolans, the Sarmatian Alanian people (the Iranian version). It is believed that the Russian state of the Khaganate was located in the Don and Middle Dnieper region. After its defeat by the Hungarians, Rus-Alan created the Old Russian State.
According to another version, the Russians could be Scandinavians. It is interesting that in ancient times the Finns called the Swedes “ruotsi”, and even now the Swedes for the Finns are only “Rotsolainen”. It also began to be called the Scandinavians and Slavs - "Rutsi" or "Rus". The origin of the names Oleg and Igor is also controversial. Some scholars believe that these are the Scandinavian names "Helgu" and "Ingvar".
There is an opinion that the Russians are the "people" who lived on the Baltic coast and on the island of Rügen.
Researcher AGKuzmin tried to combine all the hypotheses. He claims that the word "Rus" has an ancient origin. In many Indo-European languages, it means "red" or "light," and these colors characterize the dominant royal family. This is the "surname" of the peoples who united in the "Russian clan" and established the Old Russian State.
Which hypothesis seems to you the most persuasive? Or maybe you have your own view of the origin of the word "Russian" and the appearance of the Russians? We will be glad to hear your opinion.