The importance of playing for the child: let him play and do not be overly obsessed with hygiene:
The importance of playing for the child 941
Welcome to all my dear child’s world visitors, many mothers warn their children against playing to keep it clean and the house clean, and even many mothers have to make their children go outside to play, but inside the house they remain silent and calm to keep the masterpieces inside the house, or invite them to play but calmly And without movement or fuss so as not to get their clothes dirty. In this article, we will learn about the importance of play in a child's life.
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But do you know how important play is for children??
Simply playing is understanding the rules of life for a child. We advise you to know the importance of playing for children. Then we ask you to let your children play and do not care first about the cleanliness of the house.
So why not let the house get a little dirty, but the children learn a lot, so which one is better and more expensive for you, is it the furniture of the house or the foundation of the minds of our children? Let's wake up, mothers.
For a child, play is an expression of physical and psychological energy, and this is the only way for him to grow through it.
By playing, the child learns about colors and the movements of his hand and develops his senses such as looking and touch, and he recognizes the rough and soft texture. If the child does not play, the brain will not develop well.
The more a child plays, the faster he grows.
Imaginative play helps to develop the child's intelligence when he imagines that he is a superman or imagines that he is a teacher or a spaceman. The imagination is evidence that the child uses more than one area in his brain, which contributes to his normal growth.
Playing with our children also increases our relationship with our children, and we can use playing times to add information to the child and behavioral rules that benefit him and he learns them quickly and with more intelligence than any other time.
By playing the child brings out any negative energy that causes him psychological pressure, which is called play therapy.
Playing makes the child talk about his feelings, even if he is unable to express himself, so he finds him talking kinesically by playing about his feelings.

By playing, we can discover the nature of the child, whether he is polite, violent and aggressive, or exceeds his limits with others.
By playing, we also discover the child's tendencies, whether he likes drawing, music, or handicrafts.
By playing, we can teach the child order and arrangement and collect his toys after he finishes playing.
Play with your children and let your children imitate you and be a good role model with them and teach them respect and politeness.
Play helps the child to understand the rules of life and behaviors of dealing with others and understanding others.
By playing with our children we can give them the most beautiful memories that they can carry with them in their old age.

Benefits of playing with dirt and mud for children:
Perhaps one of the things children love to play with is sand and mud. Most fathers, especially mothers, prevent children from playing with dirt and mud for fear of their health and hygiene, but by doing this they harm them and deprive them of many benefits.. Because playing with mud improves children’s health, enhances their growth, develops their mind, refines their creativity and makes them more happy and happy...
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Children by nature love to play with dirt, dig in the ground, enjoy mud and make different shapes and games from it.. So please let us listen to our children’s instinct and let them play in nature with animals and plants, with trees and birds, and with water and dirt, and we will notice the big difference in their physical, mental and spiritual health.
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Let us know together the most important ten benefits of playing with mud and dirt:
It makes children smarter and increases their awareness and attention.
It strengthens their immune system and enhances its effectiveness and endurance.
Very useful for children's skin and reduces skin infections when injured.
Protects children from asthma, allergies and intestinal diseases.
It enhances their psychological state and makes them happier.
Children reach Mother Earth, which makes them more connected to and respectful of her.
Promotes children's development and enhances their five senses.
It develops positive feelings for children.
Develops children's creativity and increases their intellectual ability.
Increases children's love for discovery and learning.
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