The basics of playing with your child in the first two years... to make your child a genius.
The basics of playing with your child in the first two years... to make your child a genius. 2180
You may not know that playing with children has its origins. Experts confirm that there are recreational games that make them feel your tenderness, and there is educational play that does not require expensive games, but rather requires your attention and your dedication.
This is confirmed by Jackie Silberg in her book “Playing with the Young,” noting that educational games materials are around us inside and outside our homes, and they are games that parents play with their child at this age, strengthening the bond between the young and his parents.
According to "Jacky", according to the newspaper "Al-Jumhuriya", the youngster's attempt to discover what is around him or discover himself is the most wonderful games for him, explaining that there are many innovative games for children between their first and second years, and they are games that are manufactured to match their different stages of growth and work to develop their intelligence and abilities. kinesthetic, verbal and sensory, and reviews the most important ones, saying:
* You have to train your child in problem-solving skills, by placing him on his high chair and then inserting a piece of corn flakes or dry bread into the nozzle of a bottle with a small opening and leave it to him to try to take it out until he finds by himself that he has to turn the bottle to come out and when he finds the solution, your child will start inserting it and taking it out over and over again.

* Eating with a spoon is one of the important social skills for young children, and you can teach them to play by giving him at first some spoons to play with. This game involves different types of foods and you will find him soon learning to put the spoon in a dish without foods and feed himself with it.
* Walking games, they can be practiced with your child in many ways once he masters walking alone, all of which help in the flexibility and coordination of his muscles from them.
* Help him to walk in different directions to the side and back and then forward, or put his legs like a horse, or walk in front of him on your toes, which leads him to imitate you and walk like you.
* Extend your arms forward while walking or walk quickly and then slowly and encourage him to imitate you.
* More important than your child's continuous training in these skills is that you embrace him and show him your love for him when he succeeds in performing any of these games.
A journey of discovery
Dear mother, did you know that all the movements that your baby makes in his first year are exploratory games that excite and enjoy him? Your baby's attempt to put his toe in his mouth may seem like a foolish attempt to you, but it is an exercise in hand-eye coordination, and although he may not succeed several times, he tries to correct the mistake he makes in order to continue to prove his willpower, and he succeeds in this interesting task.

Alaa Ragab, a researcher in psychology, confirms that when parents learn any kind of toys and games, they build their child’s abilities and can then create at home a stimulating environment for their child’s educational abilities. Individual games are the games that the child plays when he is alone to discover the world around him, such as sucking. Fingers or discover parts of his body in general, and the mother must give her child a time of his own without interference from her, in which the child depends on his mind to understand things, which greatly develops the child's senses and perspective on things and their usefulness.
On the other hand, the researcher adds that there are some games that adults can play with the child to develop his social and interactive skills, such as the exchange of roles, which is an essential element for interaction between people when some games are repeated. Making the child feel loved and it has been proven that this feeling increases the child's sense of initiative and interaction with others.
The researcher recommends the following guidelines when buying baby toys so that your child can benefit as much as possible: “
Play from one day to 6 months:
Children can distinguish certain colors such as red, which is usually the first color that the child can see and of course they can interpret these sounds properly. It is useful to put a brightly colored acoustic toy above the child’s bed from the first day. The richer the child’s surroundings from his first days, the greater the chance of his mental development and by the month Third, the child can distinguish his favorite toy and will try to reach or catch it. It is important that those toys are in different colors, different textures and different shapes to develop the child's sense of distinguishing between different things by sight.
Toys from “7” to 12 months:
The child gets to know some things and people familiar to him, and the most useful toys for him are toys that drag, stack, or go backward and forward, or of the kind that help reconcile colors and shapes, as well as books made of cloth or plastic, which are distinguished Simple big pictures.
This is in the first year of your child's life. As for the second year, Dr. Laila Karam El-Din, Professor of Psychology at Ain Shams University, confirms that short stories, boards, chalk, cubes, non-toxic crayons, sandboxes, slides, and tricycles are all suitable for the child in The age range is from 2 to 5 years.

As for toys that develop intelligence and creativity, such as doctor’s and nurse’s tools, bicycles, electric trains, rope skipping, soccer, and the installation of games, they are suitable for children from the age of 5 to 9 years, and when the child reaches the age of ten to fourteen, it is suitable for him. Creative scientific games such as computer games, exercise, and collecting pictures, coins and stamps.

God willing, you will benefit