A genetic study confirms the ethnic matching between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria
A genetic study confirms the ethnic matching between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria 2252
An important genetic study under the title of investigating the genetic makeup of the Algerian Kabyle and Chaoui population Confirmation of the ethnic match between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria
Study Title :
Etude de la structure génétique des populations algériennes kabyle et chaouia à travers le polymorphisme des marqueurs d'insertion Alu
Investigation of the genetic structure of Kabyle and Chaouia Algerian populations through the polymorphism of Alu insertion markers
A genetic study confirms the ethnic matching between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria 623
This study was recently published in March 2019, and it confirms the homogeneity and the absence of any difference in the genetic composition between the Berbers belonging to the tribes and their brothers belonging to the Berbers Chaouia The study proved almost identical genetic inheritance between Kabylia and Chaouia. The study included 302 samples from different regions and components of Kabylia and Chaouia. It showed that there is no genetic difference between all the Algerian Berbers, and this excludes the hypothesis of any geographical or ethnic influence on them.
Comparative genetic analyzes have not shown any significant associations between North Africa and southern Europe or the Middle East
The study showed that the Chaoui and Kabyle Berbers in Algeria do not have any genetic affinity between them and the Europeans on the one hand, and there is no genetic affinity with the Arabs/Middle Easterners on the other hand, and the study only recorded some distant kinship with the Iberians like the rest of the Berbers and this is due to the proximity The distance between the Great Amazigh Maghreb and the southern region of Spain.
A genetic study confirms the ethnic matching between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria 768
- What is impressive in the study is that it showed homogeneity in the genetic makeup of the population (Kabyle and Chaoui) with the rest of the North African Amazigh blocs, which are historically known as an Amazigh element , whether it is Berber-speaking or not, such as (Mzab, Tunisia, southern Morocco, western Morocco, the Saharawi...)
A genetic study confirms the ethnic matching between the Chaoui Berbers and the Kabyles in Algeria 943
The summary of the topic is that this study refutes and refutes, with scientific arguments, the claims of some about the existence of a European (Bulgarian) influence on the Berbers of the Kabylie region, as well as proves the falseness and invalidity of other claims of the existence of an Arab/Middle Eastern influence on the Berbers of the Chaouia region and proves a historical fact known in ancient and modern references that the Chaouia The Kabyles, the Rifians, the Mozabites, the Zenatites, the Shloh, the Touareg, and others are all of one race (Bani Mazigh).
