"I prefer the Kabyles in Algeria: they are more open": a tourist lets go
"I prefer the Kabyles in Algeria: they are more open": a tourist lets go 1-468
Immigration – Algeria, tourist: visas and travel – Clothing in Algeria is often the subject of debate and controversy. Foreign tourists are not spared and can be criticized for their choice of dress. Recently, a tourist wanted to express herself on this subject and paid tribute to the Kabyles for their open mind and their tolerance.
The girl in question said she preferred the region of Tizi Ouzou and Bejaia because the women there wore shorts and short dresses without being judged or criticized. On the other hand, in the other wilayas, she explained that she felt uncomfortable because people looked at her as if she was n**.

“I like the Kabyles much more. They have an open mind. When you arrive in Tizi Ouzou, you see girls wearing shorts, short dresses during the day. Same thing for Bejaia. On the other hand, for the other wilayas it is problematic, we see that people scan you as if you were n**. You exaggerate. You should be like Tizi Ouzou, a city in which you feel very good, “she said in a video posted on the social network Tiktok.
This video has generated many reactions on social networks. Most Internet users have praised the tolerance and open-mindedness of the Kabyles, who are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Some even pointed out that the issue of clothing should not be a controversial issue, because everyone is free to dress as they wish.

However, others have come to the defense of the more conservative wilayas, saying that clothing should be in keeping with the values and traditions of each region. They also stressed that Algerian women have the right to choose how they dress, without being judged or criticized.
This controversy over clothing in Algeria is not new. Indeed, women who wear shorts or short skirts are often victims of harassment and criticism, even in Kabylie, contrary to what the tourist claims. Harassment is everywhere, and not just in cities deemed conservative. The tourist therefore did not have to generalize.

In summary, the controversy over clothing in Algeria is complex and requires constructive and respectful debate. The Kabyles are known for their open-mindedness and tolerance, but this should not be an excuse to criticize or judge other regions of the country. Foreign tourists must respect local traditions, while having the right to dress as they wish. Likewise, Algerians must respect the clothing choices of tourists, without judging or criticizing them.

Source: websites