Scientists create a “unique” technology to purify water and air from pollution
Scientists create a “unique” technology to purify water and air from pollution 2568 
The National Technological Initiative Foundation said in a statement that Russian scientists have created a unique technology for purifying water and air from organic pollution.
The foundation, also known as "NTI Platforms", said that this technology will help fill the growing shortage of fresh water around the world.
The statement added: “A technology has been invented for the production of composite sorbent materials based on graphene oxide - at the Foundation’s New Materials Center located at the Bauman State Technical University in Moscow - ultra-waterproof aerobic gels that will be used to purify water and air from organic pollutants.”
Thanks to the new method, it will be possible to purify water and air, from many pollutants including colourants, dyes, solvents, and other chemical wastes produced by light industries.
This technology will help fill the growing shortage of fresh water, including by adding silver nanoparticles, which will allow to obtain sterilization and eliminate bacteria in the water.
According to the statement, the new material will be put on the market, in 2025-2026, and the cost of the product is still unknown.
It is noteworthy that the "National Technological Initiative" is an independent Russian non-profit organization that aims to develop technology and promising industries in Russia.
Source: RIA Novosti