?  “Unique water” and “swarms of small creatures” in “Antarctica” .. What did the scientists find 
?  “Unique water” and “swarms of small creatures” in “Antarctica” .. What did the scientists find  271 
On a large ice shelf located inside a cave in Antarctica, New Zealand scientists have jumped for joy at discovering an important underwater ecosystem.
Scientists who headed to the area with the intention of studying the effects of climate on the shelf, found swarms of small shrimp-like creatures at a depth of 500 meters under what he considered “unique water.”
The New Zealand Antarctic Institute supported a group of researchers from universities in Wellington, Auckland and Otago, and the National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA), to investigate the role climate could play in ice shelf melt.
But the surprise was the scene. When they dug into the ice, their cameras were filled with amphipods, small creatures of the same lineage as lobsters and crabs.
"For a while we thought that something had gone wrong with the camera, but when the focus improved we noticed a swarm of arthropods about 5 mm in size," said Craig Stevens of the Niwa Institute.
Hu Horgan, who led the research, said his colleagues were aware of a network of freshwater lakes and rivers hidden beneath Antarctic ice sheets, but not yet directly surveyed.
"Observing and sampling the river was the first to enter a hidden world," Horgan added.
He pointed out that a set of tools were left in the river to monitor its behavior, while laboratory researchers will investigate what makes the water unique.
Source: translations
