Cancer-fighting foods
Cancer-fighting foods 2264
There are foods, herbs and spices that we usually use in cooking. Modern science and research have proven that they have the ability to prevent or treat cancer for their users, despite our ignorance to this day of the exact way in which this great benefit is achieved.
We show the most important of these foods, so that their use becomes systematic to obtain the desired benefit from them:
- Ginger Ginger
has long been used in medicine and traditional medicines to treat several diseases, ranging from colds and colds through nausea and travel sickness, and ending with constipation.
Ginger can be used fresh or dried and powdered on its own or in many spice mixtures (it is also sometimes used to flavor some sweets and candies).
Despite the great difference between the taste of fresh ginger and dry ginger, each can replace the other in many recipes without noticing any defect in the recipe.
In general, every 1/8 teaspoon of ground ginger can be replaced with a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and vice versa.
It has recently been shown that, in addition to the traditional health benefits of ginger, it is useful in staving off the risk of cancer, and may also be useful in relieving stomach pain and digestive upsets that afflict cancer patients while receiving chemotherapy.
Turmeric ( Tumric)
Turmeric is a member of the ginger family and is one of the most important ingredients used in the curry mixture, which gives it its yellow color. The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well, making it a cancer-preventing food.
Researchers are currently studying nutritional supplement pills containing curcumin extracted from turmeric to confirm its role in preventing - or even treating - some types of cancer, including colon, prostate, breast and skin cancers.
Although the results are still limited to experimental animals, and we cannot be certain that they will give the same effect on the human body, they are promising.

Cayenne red pepper Cayenne red
pepper contains capsaicin, a compound that has analgesic properties. When capsaicin is applied topically to an area of the skin, chemical compounds called substance P are secreted, and with continued application of capsaicin, the amount of substance P secreted in the area of application decreases with time, which leads to a decrease in the sense of pain in it (a kind of anesthesia occurs). .
One of the benefits of cayenne pepper, contrary to all expectations, is its usefulness in relieving digestive problems .
However, this does not mean that you can rub the area that hurts with red pepper to feel relief. Dealing with red pepper should be done with extreme caution because of its burning effect on the skin.
When feeling pain, the power of capsaicin can be exploited by using a cream containing this compound (ask the pharmacist or doctor). Neuropathic pain has shown a great response to this compound in laboratory experiments, especially in sudden acute pain that affects patients after undergoing Surgical operations to remove malignant tumors.
Another benefit of cayenne pepper, contrary to all expectations, is that it is useful in relieving digestive problems, as one recent study showed that eating a small amount of red cayenne pepper powder helps relieve indigestion and digestive disorders associated with chemotherapy for cancers.
- the Garlic
Garlic belongs to the allium family, such as red onions, green onions, and chives, a bulbous plant.
Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of increasing garlic consumption in preventing colon, stomach, esophageal, pancreatic and breast cancers .
Garlic contains large amounts of sulfur in addition to being rich in arginine, oligosaccharides, flavanoids and selenium, all of which provide many health benefits. Garlic also contains an active and effective compound called allicin, which gives garlic its pungent, fragrant smell that is issued when garlic is minced or crushed.
In addition to the well-known benefits of garlic in resisting blood clotting, reducing high blood pressure and strengthening the immune system, recent studies have proven several benefits to increasing garlic consumption in preventing colon, stomach, esophageal, pancreatic and breast cancers, and also shows the role of garlic in preventing cancer through various mechanisms, including resistance Germs and bacteria that cause inflammation, or avoid the synthesis of some carcinogens in the body.
It is known that cancer arises from a defect that occurs in the genetic material DNA, this defect leads to rapid and random cell division, and it has been proven that garlic helps to repair this defect, and garlic helps the death of cancer cells.
Garlic is also considered a catalyst in ridding the body of toxins, strengthening the immune system, and lowering blood pressure.

is a hybrid of water mint and arrow mint. It has been used for thousands of years as a remedy for colic, digestive problems, gas, indigestion and diarrhea. It also helps relieve symptoms of irritable bowel and food poisoning.
Peppermint is used as a remedy for colic, digestive problems, gas, indigestion and diarrhea .
The role of mint has been shown to calm the stomach muscles and facilitate the flow of bile secretions, helping to move food from the stomach faster.
Drinking a cup of boiled peppermint helps relieve stomach pain and discomfort caused by cancer or cancer treatment.
There are many commercial mint products that can be used, or you can simply add a few leaves of dry or green mint to boiling water, cover and leave for a few minutes until it becomes as thick as desired. Mint also helps relieve throat and throat pain, and is usually used to relieve the appearance of oral ulcers that afflict patients with chemotherapy or radiation, and is considered one of the basic materials in the treatment of this condition.
is a Mediterranean herb famous for its needle-leaved and aromatic scent, and is a rich source of antioxidants.
This herb has long been used in Mediterranean cuisine, and is one of the most frequently used ingredients in Italian seasoning blends.
It can be used to flavor soups, sauces, salads, and bread, and is widely used to spice up protein-rich dishes of all kinds of chicken, lamb and veal.
The rosemary herb is used in the detoxification process applied in the treatment of some types of cancer, and in the treatment of problems with the bad taste that we sometimes feel in the mouth, as well as in the problems of indigestion, bloating and other digestive problems and loss of appetite.
You can drink three cups a day of boiled rosemary leaves to get rid of digestive problems completely.

- Chamomile herb
Chamomile has always been famous for its medicinal properties and its multiple uses in treating many ailments. Chamomile also helps treat sleep problems (insomnia and interrupted sleep), as experts advise those who suffer from sleep problems to drink a cup of heavy chamomile decoction before going to bed.
Chamomile helps treat sleep problems such as insomnia and interrupted sleep .
Studies have shown the effectiveness of using chamomile decoction as a rinse or mouth rinse in treating oral ulcers that afflict patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Although the results are still mixed so far, there is no harm in trying this method (of course after consulting the attending physician).
To obtain a chamomile lotion, the chamomile herb is added to the boiling water, then covered and left aside to cool, then filtered and used for rinsing.
Chamomile boiled can be used as another treatment for digestive disorders, especially colic and digestive spasms, as studies have proven the property of chamomile to relax smooth muscles, especially intestinal muscles.