Are you tense? Try to eat these 12 foods
Are you tense? Try to eat these 12 foods 2505 
We have a bad habit of eating foods that are too fatty or too sweet in times of stress
Did you know this? Your diet can affect your mood. As we age, eating antioxidants, such as those found in fruits and vegetables, can help reduce stress
Commonly referred to as the "stress hormone," cortisol is produced in the adrenal gland. In the case of stress, its role is to increase blood sugar levels. Provides the body with sufficient energy to deal with the situation. To compensate for this increase in sugar, it is best to limit foods that contain a lot of sugar
Also avoid foods with a high glycemic index, such as white bread, pastries or biscuits
Stress is also manifested by a lack of magnesium, which leads to strong fatigue, nocturnal cramps or palpitations of the eyelids. Almonds and chocolate are rich in magnesium. Of course, for a more significant contribution, the ideal option is to carry out regular treatments with magnesium, if you are especially nervous
Foods rich in tryptophan and omega-3 should be preferred in times of stress. Tryptophan stimulates the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates the circadian rhythm, thus allowing you to sleep better and reduce stress. As for Omega 3, it lifts our spirits
Bananas and avocados are recommended during periods of stress. 
As well as foods rich in vitamin B
?How do you deal with stress differently 
The first step is to recognize your signs of stress. It can be physical, emotional or mental
Feel free to talk about it, whether with someone close to you or a health professional. There are many relaxation, meditation and breathing exercises that can be used to relieve stress. Try to find the method that works for you and make it your own
How to maintain good health throughout your life: 7 foods to keep you healthy
Eating properly is essential to your health and longevity. This article aims to provide a list of foods that are good for your health and provide basic nutritional needs. The vast majority of professionals agree on a number of guidelines that can serve as the basis for a healthy diet.

It is recommended to choose foods from different food groups: vegetables and fruits should make up 50% of the plate, cereal products 15% of the plate, meat and alternatives another 15%. The foods you will find on this list have multiple advantages and we have chosen to show you that eating a balanced diet is possible even on a small budget.
1. Vegetables: as much as you want and at every meal
Rich in fiber, each vegetable contains its own micronutrients: vitamins and minerals. They help the body, immune system, digestive system, and brain to function properly.
To make the most of its benefits, choose fresh, local, seasonal produce, preferably organic. These standards allow them to maintain their nutritional values ​​until they are consumed. However, if this is not possible, frozen vegetables without added salt are a good alternative. To preserve their benefits, eat vegetables raw or cooked over a low heat.
Some vegetables that are rich in nutrients include:
Green vegetables are your best healthy ally. Available in every season, they are among those with the most micronutrients.
2. Fresh fruit: an essential food for good health
Fruit also provides important amounts of vitamins and minerals. Eaten every day, they help maintain good health and a balanced diet. Their calorie intake is generally higher than that of vegetables, as is their carbohydrate (sugar) content.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of fruits with high nutritional value:
It is pleasant to eat fruits at the beginning of the day and before any physical or mental effort. In fact, sugar is the main fuel for the brain. In addition, carbohydrates are directly absorbed by the muscles during physical activity or sports.
3. Legumes
They provide many benefits to consumers and enhance satiety, helping to avoid cravings. You can find them dried or canned.
The most common legumes are:
Lentils (green, white, coral)
(red, black, white)
All of these products are excellent sources of fiber, plant protein, vitamins and minerals. You can cook it in salads, soups and side dishes, but also in stews.
4. Fresh eggs
Eating eggs provides many vitamins (A, D, E, K, B2, B5, B6, B8, B12). This condensed micronutrient supports, among other things, the immune system, calcium fixation on bones and the functioning of brain cells.
Rich in protein, egg whites are a good source of iron. On the other hand, egg yolk is made of fat. Quality eggs contain a balanced amount of omega 3, 6 and 9.
The quality of the eggs directly depends on the conditions in which the hen is raised. Therefore, it is better to choose eggs from free-range chickens, organic or with a blue and white label and heart. The latter indicates that animals are fed flaxseed, which enhances the presence of omega-3.
5. Fatty fish to promote the balance of fatty acids
Fatty fish contains a large amount of omega 3. Omega 3, 6 and 9 are the fatty acids found in fats. The balance of these fatty acids helps maintain a healthy body and brain. In the West, the usual diet contains a lot of omega-6. Eating fatty fish helps to rebalance these fatty acids.
Here are some species of this family of fish:
, brine,
, salmon
, in addition to fat, this fish is an excellent source of proteins and vitamins of the B as well as D group. It also provides an important amount of phosphorous, iron and selenium. This amount of micronutrients contributes to maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels. It also prevents cognitive and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
6. Dried fruits and nuts
To increase your daily fiber intake, you can eat some dried fruits. They can easily be added to breakfast, in muesli or porridge. It is easy to take with you, it allows you to have a healthy snack on hand. Favorite dried fruits are:
Figs Peach
Dates Nuts contain a significant amount of essential fatty acids. Among those with the highest nutritional value are:
7. Seeds
Decorating dishes, salads, or cereals with specific seeds can easily increase your intake of vitamins and minerals.
The seeds with the best nutritional contributions are:
Flax ,
, sunflower,
pumpkin ,
, these seeds are rich in fiber, vegetable proteins, and omega 3 and 6. Sold dry, these foods are also distinguished by their ability to store for a long time.