???Who is the largest tribe in Algeria, is it the Zawawa or Awlad Nile
 ???Who is the largest tribe in Algeria, is it the Zawawa or Awlad Nile 7246
Census of Algerian tribes and thrones in 1840 AD
I think that you have often met some idiots who claim that their number today is 16 million and even said that it is 20 million people??, I mean, these people do not even know that the population of Algeria is 42 million people, and they consider half of the Algerian people descended from one person. In the 16th century AD (Noah, North Africa), and we even heard from semi-Arab intellectuals that they always claim that the Awlad Nile alliance is the largest tribe in Algeria, and even the insolence reached them to say ???that they are the largest tribe in North Africa
Yes, I told you earlier. It is the area of ​​Awlad Nile that is deceived in everything. Most of its inhabitants and its thrones are of Berber origin, very old and historically known in the documented references.
Most of the residents of Awlad Nayel and its thrones are falsely attributed to Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Khurshafi, who is called Muhammad Nayel, who appeared only in the 16th century AD, who died approximately 1580 AD. Minds are beggars of eastern lineages, unless their reproduction is through a nuclear explosion
For your knowledge, a few years after the French occupation of Algeria, especially in the year 1840 AD, France began organizing scientific missions to study and census all that exists in Algeria from the bounties and monuments, and even the census of the population, thrones and tribes. These studies were known under the name of the scientific exploratory missions of Algeria.
It was published in a study entitled
Recherches sur l'origine et les migrations des principales tribus de 'Afrique septentrionale et particulièrement de l'Algérie
Carette, Antoine-Ernest-Hippolyte
Through this study, it becomes clear to us that the number of members of the Awlad Nile Alliance in the middle of the 19th century (1840 AD) is 47,900 people, in addition to Rahman and Sarah and the children of Mukhtar Al-Ghuraba and the deserts of Ashraf and Al-Ahdab and the children of Si Ahmed and God knows who they added with them (ie the French) and All of these are not from the children of Nayel, but rather they are adjacent to them and have alliances with them, that is, if we remove them, the number of Nayel’s children in the 19th century will not exceed 36,800 at most (Document 06).
The good of the Harakata Chaoui Amazigh tribe, their number for the same era was 57,500 people (Document 07)
, the Lamamsha Berber tribe, conservatives and Arabists, the number of its members for the same era was 58,000, that is, they are also more than the children of Nile (Document 08)
As for the largest tribe ever in the whole of Algeria at that time, and to this day, it is the Berber Zwawa tribe, whose members reached 94,000 people in the middle of the 19th century AD, that is, two and a half times larger than Awlad Nayel, knowing that the Zwawa tribe are only part of the Kabylie region’s population (Document 09)
  ???Who is the largest tribe in Algeria, is it the Zawawa or Awlad Nile 2586
For reference, there were very many individual human migrations from the Zawawa region to all the states of Algeria during the Ottoman era and during the French era and also after the independence of Algeria and migrations to France and Europe and most of the major cities in Algeria such as Constantine and Oran where there is no less than 20 percent of the Its inhabitants are of Zawawa origin
For this reason, it is a much envied Zwawa, in fact, and who lived who knew its size and destiny, and if we knew that the population of Algeria for that era through the census carried out by the French occupation was about 03 million people (Document 10) and it showed that the Zwawa tribe Alone, about 100,000 people
  ???Who is the largest tribe in Algeria, is it the Zawawa or Awlad Nile 6259
Today, the number of Algerians has reached 42 million, which is 14 times more than it was in the middle of the 19th century. If we assume that the growth rate is equal for all Algerians who lived almost the same conditions, the number of Nile children today will be 36,800 times 14 equals 515,200 people, or half a million Nesma, and this is the real number of the Nile children's alliance, and they are the farthest people from being the largest tribe in Algeria, let alone in North Africa.
As for the Zawawa, they are always the first in the population census according to the tribe, and many of them have now lived in the various states of Algeria in what is known as internal migrations. This is why they constitute a large and important part of the population of Oran and Constantine, and they are the majority of the inhabitants of the capital, Algiers.
The Zawawa are also the first in the percentage of successful students in primary, intermediate and baccalaureate because their schools use them for science and study, not election offices and drumming for the ruling regimes, and they are the first in sports and in everything. in the elections
