??The talkative child or a lot of talk: What are the reasons?? How do I deal with him to modify this behavior
 ??The talkative child or a lot of talk: What are the reasons?? How do I deal with him to modify this behavior 2588
Hello all visitors to the world of my child, a child who talks a lot or babbles in children is a common case of continuous and continuous speech that may not end without indicating to the child that the time has come to be silent and stop talking or interrupt it. Expressive sentences and gradually decreases with the age of five to seven years old, and this does not mean that he will stop gossiping and talking a lot completely, but the child will begin to understand social skills and learn how to control himself and stop talking.
Causes of chatter in children:
 The child may tend to gossip in his nature or may resort to this 
??habit suddenly. But why does the child become talkative
Natural chatter:
It is very natural that there is a case of natural and legitimate chatter in a child that appears between the third and seventh years of his life. Simply, children think out loud and say whatever is on their mind in front of everyone, and this is very obvious for their age until they develop the skill of controlling their thoughts, which they must learn that they should not come out in the form of words.
Sharp intelligence:
 A child's acute intelligence may appear in various forms, sometimes through chatter. In this case, the child tends to the challenge that encourages and motivates him to gossip to express more about everything he thinks, feels and wants to do and express his opinion.
Chatter to calm anxiety:
Children may gossip and talk a lot if something makes them anxious, as children do not have many mechanisms to calm themselves and control their anger or anxiety and tension, so there are limited options for them at that time, one of which is constant talking.
Also, one of the reasons that may lead a child to gossip is boredom, so that it serves as a message that he sends to all those around him to say that he is not interested in what is happening around him and the prevailing atmosphere is tired and needs to change.
 Absence of activities:
 When the child lacks enough space to perform certain activities, he resorts to gossip so that he does not feel the time that passes without doing anything.  It is very natural for him to get used to a lot of talking if he does not have the spaces to do other things and activities, whether inside or outside the house.
 Usually children's temperament differs, as there are those who resort to gossip and talk a lot for a very simple reason, which is hyperactivity. In this case, the child's babbling is accompanied by a continuous, non-stop movement.
 Parental tradition:
 The child often seeks to imitate his parents, and if he finds them chattering all the time, it is natural for him to do the same without realizing the result of his many words. Here, some responsibility also falls on the parents, who sometimes talk about private matters in front of the child, then he will get used to interfering with everything that does not concern him, and this is what drives him to gossip instead of being preoccupied with other matters of interest and benefit
Learning opportunity:
For the purpose of learning or making sure of a certain information, the child may gossip and talk more as well to understand and codify his many information that he has learned and is still learning.
 Attract others' attention:
 One of the most important reasons that drive a child to gossip and talk a lot is his feeling of lack of attention, as it is possible here that his gossip is an imaginary way to occupy a certain position. Silence for him is synonymous with losing his emotional standing with those he cares about. The child babbles most of the time to attract the attention of others and sweep as best he has their emotional and auditory field to be the center of attention.
Security Need:
The child's babbling may be caused by his urgent need to feel safe; Gossip is his only means to dispel his anxiety, and too much talk is a way to reduce his anxiety or sadness and his inability to confront them alone, because silence makes him think about his fears alone.
These reasons undoubtedly directly indicate the child's personality and psyche, and they constitute an entry point to learn more about how to deal with him correctly.
How do we properly deal with a talkative child???
not to be punished:
Yelling at a child who talks a lot or even hitting and harassing him will not be a solution to the problem because he cannot understand the appropriate time for silence and cannot estimate what is appropriate speech and what is a lot of speech that can be canceled. He needs to understand these concepts first and does not need punishment. Rather, punishment negatively affects the bright aspects of the talkative child's personality.
Helping the Child Understand Conversational Roles:
Try in a simplified way that is close to the understanding and comprehension of the child's mind, to explain to him that the conversation is a process in which you are a part and not the whole, and you must respect your role and the role of the other parties in terms of time and speech. For example, you can do a table tennis exercise with him by bringing a small ball and agree with him that only talk to those who have the ball and warn him when he has the ball and apologize if you hold the ball for a long time.
Beware of lowering the child's self-esteem:
It is common for parents to use negative phrases to silence the child, and these phrases often contain offensive qualities such as (you swallowed a recorder, talkative, annoying those around you..), and phrases that make the child feel rejected, such as (we have heard enough, I do not want to hear you now, enough talk without meaning and useless...). Most of it affects the child's view of himself, his self-esteem and respect for her, and may lead him later from a cheerful child to an introverted child who does not believe that he has any value in his family.
A statement to the child about the importance of listening:
Try to explain to your child the importance of listening to others when they talk. For example, ask him how he feels if he wants to say something but no one can hear it. You can resort to stories and tales that teach the child the importance of listening. The important thing is for him to understand that he leaves the space for others to speak and it is his duty to listen to him as he took his turn before him.
Don't let your child talk alone.
Some resort to ignoring the child who talks a lot and leaving him to talk alone, perhaps feeling bored, but unfortunately the result is the opposite and the child feels that he needs to talk more in order for others to understand what he is talking about. .
Important tip:
Parents should pay positive attention to the child who talks a lot, because if gossip turns into a compulsive habit of the child, it may affect his social future, his relationships with others, and even his professional life in the future. Therefore, parents should work to help the child control his desire to talk and to rule out any health or psychological reasons that may lead their child to gossip, and most important of all is to be calm and calm in dealing with the child who talks a lot.
