Some of them rain glass, and others are made of diamonds, and the strangest of them is burning, even though it is made of ice. Planets we were ignorant of were in space.
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 71106
It is known that outer space is inhabited by an infinite number of planets, stars and celestial bodies, and a limited number of them have been discovered and named, but the vast majority have not yet been able to discover them.
However, what scientists have discovered in outer space to this day is astonishing, some of which are a mixture of strangeness and disbelief.
The idea of ​​space travel sounds very exciting, and if you are lucky enough to try an adventure like this one day, I advise you to avoid visiting the planets featured in this report, as rain of glass may rain down on you and tear you to pieces.
You may be cooked in space in the blink of an eye on the surface of the giant egg, and you may freeze to death, or you may feel relaxed for a moment as a result of opening your pores in the giant sauna planet, before you die of your wounds!!
Avoid these tragic endings and learn about 10 of the strangest planets in the universe that modern science has discovered in space and you may not have heard of them before.
The strangest planets in the universe
10. Deadly heat on the surface of TOI 849
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7252
TOI 849 was discovered in 2020 by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey (TESS) satellite.
While our planet (Earth) rotates around the sun for a year, the orbit of this hurried planet around its star takes only 18 hours, and therefore it is normal for its temperature to be terrible, reaching about 1530 degrees Celsius.
Despite this, this planet is not gaseous, but rather rocky and very dense, and it is considered the largest rocky planet discovered so far, as its mass is 40 times greater than the mass of Earth.
9. HR 5183b The craziest planet
Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7316 
Discovered in 2019, HR 5183b is a dense giant three times larger than Jupiter (Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System).
This giant revolves around its star very slowly, as its revolution takes 74 years (in our solar system, the Earth revolves around the sun in one year, while Saturn takes 29 years, and Uranus takes 84 years).
Its extreme slowness isn't the only feature of HR 5183b, which has been described as a mad or lethal planet due to its strange orbit, as it does not orbit its star in a conventional way but rather wanders away from the star sometimes and then very close at other times.
Which leads scientists to believe that this strange behavior may have a devastating effect on other planets around it, which are trying to orbit around the star in a quiet and traditional way.
8. Liquid water on the surface of K2-18b
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7416
The presence of liquid water is one of the basic conditions that make life possible on the surface of the planet, so scientists have long searched for planets that contain water, so they were very excited when liquid water was discovered in the atmosphere of K2-18b in 2019.
However, there are several opinions that say that life cannot arise on the surface of this planet. Some scientists believe that it is more like the small planets of Neptune, which are characterized by a thick hydrogen envelope, a water layer and a rocky iron core, where temperatures and pressures are so high that no living creatures can live. .
New research also suggests that K2-18b could in fact be a rocky planet covered in super-hot seas, which are under enormous pressure, with water somewhere on the gas-liquid threshold, topped with a layer of saturated water vapor.
7. GJ 1214b Giant Sauna
Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7515 
Do you enjoy relaxing in the sauna? Out there somewhere in space you have a planet called GJ 1214b, which is the largest sauna ever discovered by humans.
GJ 1214b is a superplanet with a mass about 6 times the mass of Earth, and it appears to be a real water world, possibly icy on the inside, and containing massive amounts of vapor in its atmosphere.
Although the planet's surface consists of water, it is not as common as we see in our planet's oceans, as it is possible that GJ 1214b does not contain liquid water.
But due to heat and atmospheric pressure, it may be composed of layers of hot ice or even water in the case of plasma.
Taking a day trip to this sauna world will open your pores before steam kills you, according to listverse.
6. Frozen Planet OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7615
Five and a half times the mass of Earth, OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b is a rocky exoplanet far from our solar system.
This planet orbits a small dwarf star at a slow rate, one revolution every 10 years. This planet is therefore very cold with a surface temperature of -364 degrees Fahrenheit (-220 degrees Celsius).
Meaning you will freeze to death if you try to take a snowboard trip OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b.
5. WASP-12b Giant Egg Cooked in Space
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7715
This planet is very similar to a giant egg being cooked in space.
NASA scientists discovered this planet in 2008, and discovered that it orbits so close to its sun-like star that it is stretched by the sun's gravity to become an egg.
WASP 12-b is a gas giant twice the size of Jupiter. It revolves around its sun at a tremendous speed, to the point that it completes a complete revolution in just 1.1 days, while temperatures on its surface reach about (2204 degrees Celsius).
During this rapid rotation, the elongated, egg-shaped planet loses parts of its surface, in other words WASP-12b is literally consumed by its star.
As the planet's atmosphere is torn apart by the massive gravitational force, it is estimated that WASP-12b will be completely devoured within 10 million years.
4. Rain of Glass on Planet HD 189773b:
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7815
HD 189773b is only 64 light-years away, and although this unique planet looks like a blue marble floating softly in space, it's not really a gentle planet.
In addition to its high rotational speed, and its strong winds of 8,700 km per hour, a strange phenomenon is taking place there, as heavy rain falls from glass that will tear us to pieces if we want to go there.
he delightful blue color of this planet is only for the silicate in its atmosphere, which turns into grains of glass as the planet's temperatures rise.
3. 55 Cancri e Diamond Planet
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 7912
Who knows, perhaps 55 Cancri e is the largest gem in the world.
It is clear that the planet was amazingly rich in carbon, and due to the enormous pressure and temperatures of 2,700 degrees Celsius, the carbon turned into diamonds.
However, the nature of this planet remains mysterious and controversial, and its discovery requires more research, according to Sky at Night.
2. A planet that burns even though it is made of ice:
Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 8014 
One of the writers confirmed that the planet "Gliese 436 b", which is outside the solar system, is witnessing a very strange contradiction.
The strange thing is that the planet is apparently completely covered in ice and yet it appears to be burning.
In fact, the temperature of this planet is 439 degrees Celsius, but the force of gravity coming from its center contributes to maintaining its icy nature.
This force also maintains the density of the ice and also compresses any water vapor that may evaporate.
1.   A livable planet:
 Planets we were ignorant of were in space. 8155
In 2017, one of the most recent and promising discoveries in astronomy revealed an exoplanet.
The planet is located at a distance of 11 light-years from Earth and is known as the planet "Ross 128 b".
Scientists suggested that the conditions for living on this rocky planet are appropriate, as its appropriate temperature contributes to the formation of water on its surface.
In conclusion, what planet would you most like to visit