“The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria
  “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 1994
The customs of the Algerians extend from the month of Ramadan to the days of Eid al-Fitr and are derived from their ancient cultural heritage, and this time belongs to the daughter-in-law.
Among the oldest and most famous customs associated with religious occasions in general and Eid al-Fitr in particular, there is the "majestic" custom that is still common to this day, inherited by Algerian families since ages ago, and goes beyond that to the "custom" that the groom or his family cannot bypass otherwise "a crisis erupted between the two families" ".
It is also called "the gift" as well as "the bride's day", which means that this custom is intended for the engaged girl who is waiting for the days of Eid al-Fitr in honor of the family of her future husband with special rituals.
 “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 2606 
The “majesty of the feast” is known in the Algerian heritage as “a financial and moral appreciation of the groom and his family for the bride and her family” and “digging a solid base for that sacred bond,” a custom that brings together the families of the newlyweds “four more times” before the wedding ceremony.
As the “majestic” custom is associated with various religious occasions, and after the engagement of the newlyweds, it becomes “obligatory” for the groom and his family to take gifts with them to the bride on religious holidays, namely: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and Ashura, the Prophet’s birthday.
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The 'majestic' ritual
The date of the "majestic feast" is set during the 3 days of Eid al-Fitr, and the bride's family may receive the orator's family on one of these days. The preacher may be present or absent, according to the customs of each Algerian region.
On one of these days, the groom’s family means his fiancée with a ceremony similar to the engagement day, to carry out the “majestic” custom of “honoring the future daughter-in-law” with gifts according to the ability of each family and groom, and this custom is also an opportunity for the two families to talk about the details of the marriage, and also expresses the commitment of the bride and her family future husband.
 “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 739 
And “majestic” is derived from the word “heba,” which in the Arabic dictionary means “gift, gift, and everything that a person gives without return.”
The "prestige of the feast" is often represented in various Algerian regions, according to their traditions, "a piece of gold, different types of Eid sweets and some fruits", and extends to "a thigh of lamb, perfumes, henna, clothes and shoes."
 “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 9153 
They are all gifts and tokens of love and attachment to the future daughter-in-law according to the customs of the Algerians, despite the criticisms that are chasing this "social custom" for what young people and many families consider "extra expenses that burden the man and his family", and others consider it one of the reasons why young people are reluctant to marry.
While Algerian women interested in the Algerian heritage revealed to "Al-Ain News" that the "majestic" gifts have changed with the change of Algerian society, and their origin in the Algerian cultural heritage is that this gift is at the lowest cost.
She stated that it was a "qafa" filled with henna and foodstuffs such as sugar, oil, coffee and some fruits, with a piece of cloth from which to make a traditional dress.
 “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 10133 
On the other hand, the bride's family is preparing to receive the "lineages" as they are called in the Algerian vernacular and they are the people of the groom, in an intimate atmosphere that increases the cohesion of the two families.
During which the bride wears traditional dress and receives guests from the al-Khatib family with her family members, and supervises the provision of sweets and coffee.
  “The Majestic Eid” .. The ritual honoring the “Penthouse” of the future in Algeria 11127