The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran
 The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 71110
On the betrayal of the Humayan tribe, the al-Hilaliyyah, the historian al-Mahdi al - Boabdali cited a line of popular poetry in which he mentions Humayan collaborating with the Spaniards, in the book “Daleel al-Hiran ”
. The Arab Crescent from Bani Amer, which had an important role during the Spanish occupation of the city of Oran, the Hamian tribe took a great deal of French foreign studies, whether by military officers or French academics, and Algerian academic studies
The Arab Hamian is one of the Crescent tribes that was subjugated to the Spaniards and cooperated with them to the utmost to prolong their occupation of the city of Oran. They are from the stomachs of Banu Yazid Ibn Zaghba, Al-Hilaliyeh, and they have a history of migrating from one region to another until they settled south of the city of Oran until the Sirat plain in the suburbs of Mostaganem. The Musharfi historian, who lived during the time of the Turkish and Spanish occupation of Algeria and died 10 Ramadan 1192 AH / 1778 AD, described them as a large tribe, and attributed them to Hamyan bin Uqba bin Yazid bin Isa bin Zaghba Al Hilali
. From the Bedouins like Bani Amer,
Abd al-Qadir al-Mashrifi was a contemporary of these tribes allied with the Spaniards; According to Bodin, the Mushrifian historian wrote a book in the year 1764 CE, twenty-eight years before the final exodus of the Spaniards.
He said that (Humayan is from Bani Amer, and the tribes of Bani Amer are among the tribes that settled (west of Algeria) as nomads, according to Ibn Khaldun in his book Lessons.
 When Yahmrasin bin Zayan became king of Tlemcen and its suburbs, Zenata entered the hills and countryside. Many of the wickedness and corruption of the stronghold in her homeland came. So, they flooded with Bani Amer from their stores in the desert of Bani Yazid
. Bouira, before the Zayani king sought help from them, and settled them in the suburbs of Tlemcen. Hamian divided into strangeness and eccentricity.
The Humayan tribe has given its allegiance to the Spaniards of Oran since the sixteenth century AD. The reason for this is that Ibrahim Pasha of Algiers Eyale invaded Oran and placed cannons on Mount Marjago, the site on which the Citadel of Santacruz in Oran was later built, and proceeded to bombard the city in 1038 / AH 1629 AD, but Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Zayani says he failed to enter the city.
The source is Dalil Al-Hiran and Anis Al-Sahran in the news of the city of Oran, investigated by: Al-Mahdi Al-Boabdali.
Ibrahim Pasha invaded in the middle of the eleventh century AH. He was the first one to conquer it from the Turks and set it cannons and the bonfire from the table, but it was abstained from him... From then on, the Spaniards took care of the castle of Marjago and they managed to take care of the castle of Marjago (the water was first in Santa Cruz and because of his residence in Santa Cruz). His residence, Sheikh Hamyan and his tribe.
 The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7321
The name Marjago reminds historians that it is a nickname for Sheikh Hamyani who helped the Spaniards build it, and this is the opinion of the owner of the manuscript
The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7262 
And this Sheikh Hamyani, the agent of the Spanish, had ordered the men of his Hamian people to mobilize all and carry water near them and on their shoulders to the builders at the top of the mountain. That is why one of the poets of Al-Malhoun slandered them and said:
Do not pour water from a bagpipe…….. For those who say: “I protected me.” I
 push the dog with his breeder……and say his heart is still Christian
. Another said:
Qayza, Shafi’, and Hamian. ...their neighbor will not be happy, and their dead will not enter Paradise.
See also this speech in the book: The Rise of Saad Al-Saud in the Oran News (Part One)
and the Book of Daleel Al-Hiran in the News of the City of Oran
Picture 3 Quoted from the book
The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7422 
Also from the historical evidence of the betrayal of the Arab Hamian Al-Hilal, the French doctor Watteau
(Accompanying the French campaign in the Quwarra desert - a historical study of the Humayun tribe , in
which the bellies of the Humayun
tribe were divided.
Wateau, l'Histoire de Hamayans et de la région qu'il occupent actuellement, Algérie, .
 The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7510
The truth of who said Hamyan for betrayal is the title of
Hamyan’s loyalty to the occupier, regardless of its type, according to the strength of the existing authority in Algeria. Sometimes they are subject to the Spaniards and other times to the Turks, and sometimes they allied themselves with the French occupier
from the armies of the Arab traitors, the Crescent and Banuslim, who betrayed Prince Abdul Qadir:
The army of the traitor al-Hilali Qadour Bufalja, descended from the Hamian al-Zoghbiyeh al-Hilali tribe, al-Mashriah region, the Wilayat of Naama. Western, without forgetting the betrayal of the Hamian tribe to Emir Abd al-Qadir after they surrendered and fled from jihad on the pretext that the Emir could not protect them from the army of Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Tijini, the leader of the Tijaniya Zawiya in Laghouat and the sworn enemy of Emir Abd al-Qadir in the southwest of Algeria.
 The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7618
A document with the source proving the betrayal of the Hamian tribe of Al-Arabiya Al-Hilali to Prince Abdul Qadir after they surrendered and fled from the jihad, claiming that the Emir could not protect them from the army of Muhammad bin Ahmed Al-Tijini, the leader of the Tijaniya corner of Laghouat and the archenemy of Prince Abdul Qadir in the southwest of Algeria.
 The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7719
A document with the source that proves the betrayal of the Hamian tribe, the tribe of Dhu'i Manea, the tribe of Awlad Jarir and the throne of Ghanamneh, all of whom were declared crescents used by France to fight the Berbers in the southwest of Algeria.
A clearer picture of the bedouin traitor, the crescent pots of Bufaljah, descended from the tribe of Hamian Al-Zoghbiyeh Al-Hilal, the area of ​​Al-Mashriah, the state of the ostrich, and he is strutting his banners granted to him by France as a tribute to him and his mercenary army descended from the treacherous Hamian Al-Hilali tribe.
A model of the faces of betrayal  , they will be seen in their faces...
The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 7914 
A picture showing the reception of General Monnier by the traitors of the Hamian Al-Hilaliya tribe in Al-Mashriah, the Wilayat of Naama.
The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 8017 
A picture of the army of traitors, descended from the Hamian al-Hilali tribe, led by the traitor al-Hilali Qadour Bufalja with their French masters.... And behind them Jabal Antar moaning and lamenting the glories of the free Amazighs.
The castle of Santa Cruz is a symbol of betrayal of the Arabs of Beni Hilal in Oran 8157