The safest place in the world
The safest place in the world 1203
Many places on our planet are difficult, and sometimes impossible, to reach, which makes them the most interesting. These places were characterized by a high security system that made them one of the most impervious and impervious places.
But as with all that is forbidden, such places should pique our curiosity as to what lies behind those fences or wires, and before our imaginations run too far, we will help you in your quest.
We've rounded up eleven of the most secret, secure, and hard-to-reach places:
11- Secret Mormon Base, Utah, USA.
The safest place in the world 1519
Deep under the granite rocks the Mormons built a storeroom, which is said to contain their sacred relics, and only the highest-ranking priests among the members of the congregation could enter this repository that might be resistant to nuclear explosions.
10- Global Seed Crypt, Svalbard, Norway.
The safest place in the world 1204
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was opened in 2008 on the island of Pittsburgh. This crypt was established to store 250 million samples of seeds so that we can recover any type of plant. The Island of Pittsburgh is an ideal place to store those seeds; Because it is devoid of seismic activities, and it is located at a place above sea level.
9- Niihau Island, Hawaiian Archipelago, USA.
The safest place in the world 1520
The Hawaiian archipelago is a beach of paradise, although entry to Niihau Island is considered impossible, as this island was sold in 1863 to a family that owned a factory, so the island was closed and it became and is still a guarded place.
8- Haven Coe, Sealand.
The safest place in the world 1521
The information center opened in 2000 in Sealand, and its owner is HavenCo. The company thought it was a possible way to circumvent British law. It was closed in 2008, but reopened in 2013.
7- Bunin vault, Stockholm, Sweden.
The safest place in the world 1205
The Bahnhof data centers are located in a cave 100 feet below the surface, built in 1943 as an emergency shelter. With live plants, artificial waterfalls and a huge aquarium, the company provides a pleasant atmosphere for its employees.
6- ADX Prison, Florence, Colorado State, USA.
The safest place in the world 1522
This prison is called “Alcatraz of the Rockies”, as the prison cells are made of rocks, even the prisoners’ bunk beds and basins are made of concrete, there are laser traps everywhere, the doors are controlled by remote control, and all prison officers are allowed to shoot with intent Murder if an escape attempt is suspected.
5- RAF Menwith Hill, Yorkshire, Great Britain.
The safest place in the world 1206
This place was built in 1954 to capture signals during the Cold War, and no one knows what is happening there now except that it is the largest store of intelligence data in the world.
4- Greenbrier Resort, Virginia, USA.
The safest place in the world 1523
It may seem impossible to have a resort on this list you are reading, but in fact this is the safest resort in the world, only US government customers can enter, and there is also an emergency shelter.
3- Secret Vatican Records.
The safest place in the world 1207
These records are the largest secret library in the world, all the documents of the popes have been preserved in it since the seventh century, and no one can access these records unless a research officer has special permission.
2- Bold Lane Car Park, Derbyshire, Great Britain.
The safest place in the world 1208
It is considered the safest place in the world, where the driver gets a card with a barcode that synchronizes with the parking place, and under each car there is a motion sensor that triggers an alarm if it moves without permission, and there are 190 surveillance cameras in this facility.
1- District 51, Nevada, USA.
The safest place in the world 1524
Area 51 is a facility for the installation of experimental flying vehicles, and it is impossible to reach this base by land or air, and it is not possible to fly over this area, and many conspiracy theories revolve around this place.

Source: websites