These are the stages of demarcating the Amazigh language and culture... from Ajdir's speech to the approval of the National Day
These are the stages of demarcating the Amazigh language and culture... from Ajdir's speech to the approval of the National Day 3-----13
The demarcation of the Amazigh language and culture has gone through a number of basic stages since the royal speech of Ajdir in 2001, in which His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God grant him victory, stressed the importance of this language as an essential component of Moroccan identity, before it found its way to actual demarcation through the 2011 Constitution.
The royal speech to Jadir on October 17, 2001 presented the main principles that restored the Amazigh identity and cultural component as a component of Moroccan culture.
Historical discourse and constitutionalization
His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God grant him victory, said in the same speech: “Because the Amazigh language is an essential component of the national culture and a rich cultural heritage that bears witness to its presence in all landmarks of Moroccan history and civilization, we give its advancement special attention in the implementation of our modern democratic societal project, based on Emphasizing respect for the national character and its linguistic, cultural and civilizational symbols.”
His Majesty emphasized that “promoting the Amazigh language is a national responsibility, because no national culture can deny its historical roots.” It must also, based on those roots, open up and refuse to close down, in order to achieve development, which is the condition for the survival and prosperity of any civilization.
The historical speech is considered the beginning of a long process, the most important of which is the demarcation of the Amazigh language and identity in the Constitution of July 1, 2011, as Chapter Five of the 2011 Constitution stipulates the following: “Amazigh is also considered an official language of the state, as it is a common asset for all Moroccans without exception.” .
These are the stages of demarcating the Amazigh language and culture... from Ajdir's speech to the approval of the National Day 3----10
Property and Regulatory Commission
Then, on October 12, 2015, a royal committee was appointed to draft the regulatory law relating to the National Council for Moroccan Languages and Culture, which aims to protect and develop the Arabic and Amazigh languages and various forms of Moroccan cultural expression. Up to September 26, 2019, the date of issuance of Regulatory Law No. 26.16 relating to defining the stages of activating the official nature of the Amazigh language and how to integrate it in the field of education and in priority areas of public life, in the Official Gazette.
Activating the official nature of the Amazigh language
Since its inauguration, two years ago, the government has committed to implementing these royal workshops, and working to ensure that they are not limited to cultural and linguistic rights, but also include social and economic development. In its program, the government committed to creating a fund to finance workshops to activate the official character of the Amazigh language. A package of procedures and measures were taken to activate the official nature of the Amazigh language.
In this context, the official launch of projects related to enhancing the use of the Amazigh language in public administrations and its integration into various areas of public life was carried out. Reception service was provided in the Amazigh language in a group of public administrations, through the allocation of 460 employees charged with receiving and directing Amazigh-speaking employees to facilitate their access to public services. The inclusion of the Amazigh language on signs and signaling signs at the headquarters of public administrations and institutions, and the provision of telephone reception service in the Amazigh language in nine call centers affiliated with some ministerial sectors and public institutions, which are witnessing a great demand from the stakeholders by providing 63 persons responsible for telephone communication in the Amazigh language.
1 billion dirhams... for the first time
The government has committed to carrying out these royal workshops, and has allocated a financial budget of approximately 200 million dirhams for the year 2022 and has allocated 300 million dirhams for the Finance Law of 2023, to be gradually increased over the coming years to reach 1 billion dirhams by the year 2025, in a precedent of its kind.
Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch confirmed, during his speech at the official launch ceremony of the procedures of the integrated plan to activate the official character of the Amazigh language on Tuesday, January 10, 2023, that these steps enabled the government to begin downloading the road map to activate this workshop, which includes 25 measures in the axes related to administration and public services, education and justice. Culture and audiovisual media.
These are the stages of demarcating the Amazigh language and culture... from Ajdir's speech to the approval of the National Day 3----16
Among the measures undertaken were the recruitment of reception agents to guide and direct the Amazigh-speaking cadets (Trivit, Tashelhit and Tamazight) and to facilitate their communication with courts, primary health care institutions and hospitals, as well as institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Culture, Communication and Youth, and the provision of agents in charge of telephone communication in the Amazigh language, distributed among a number of affiliated call centres. For some ministerial sectors and public institutions, which are witnessing great demand from employees, there is a prospect of circulating it to all call centers.
The government worked to support Amazigh activities, as well as art exhibitions and initiatives that would value the tangible and intangible heritage of Amazigh culture, then generalize the inclusion of the Amazigh language within administration headquarters, on name boards, signage, means of transportation, and websites. Consultative meetings were also held within the framework of the participatory approach with various Amazigh activities, culminating in the adoption of a set of proposals.
The government also worked to enhance the use of the Amazigh language in public administrations, as partnership agreements were signed to enhance the integration of the Amazigh language into all sectors of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, and the Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication. To facilitate the benefit of Amazigh-speaking clients from the services provided.
Amazigh New Year.. a national holiday
On May 3, 2023, His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God grant him victory, decreed the Amazigh New Year, an official national holiday, similar to the first of Muharram of the Hijri New Year and the Gregorian New Year.
In this context, His Majesty issued his royal directives to Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch to take the necessary measures to implement this royal decision.
The Prime Minister expressed his pride in this historic decision with profound significance, which embodies the sublime royal will that enabled great strides to be made over the past twenty years. The government noted the sublime royal decision to designate the Amazigh New Year as a national holiday and a related holiday, and committed itself to taking all measures. necessary for its proper activation, in implementation of the instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him.
These are the stages of demarcating the Amazigh language and culture... from Ajdir's speech to the approval of the National Day 3-----14
Until November 2023, the government decided to adopt the date of January 14, the Amazigh New Year, as an official holiday dedicated to agricultural and non-agricultural activities.
On January 14, 2024, all Moroccan men and women celebrated, for the first time, in various regions, regions, cities and villages of our country, the Amazigh New Year, officially, as a common asset for all Moroccans without exception. The government continues its firm commitment to move forward in activating its official character in various aspects of public life.
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