“Teaching the Amazigh language between the official discourse and obstacles to downloading” is the focus of an intellectual symposium in Khenifra
“Teaching the Amazigh language between the official discourse and obstacles to downloading” is the focus of an intellectual symposium in Khenifra 13-119
The Amghar Association for Culture and Development is organizing, on Saturday evening, April 20, 2024, at the Women’s Training and Rehabilitation Center in Khenifra, an intellectual symposium entitled: “Teaching the Amazigh language in Morocco between the official discourse and obstacles to downloading.”
The symposium comes on the occasion of International Mother Language Day and more than 20 years after the integration of the Amazigh language into the educational system.
“Teaching the Amazigh language between the official discourse and obstacles to downloading” is the focus of an intellectual symposium in Khenifra 13-142
The meeting includes an intervention by Dr. Khaled Al-Zarairi on: “The sociological scene of my Moroccan language and linguistic policy,” and a second intervention by Educational Inspector Mustafa Oumouche on “Teaching the Amazigh language: compulsions on downloading and prospects for generalization.”

Source: websites