Seven Reasons You Don't Succeed Despite Being Smart and Hardworking
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For a long time, I believed that if smart people worked hard and grew up in a suitable environment, it would help them succeed quickly and assuredly. I know them managed to succeed and reach high positions, but the rest is still the same he does not know what to do; Hence, I realized that there are many factors that a person must have when it comes to success, whether it is success in professional work, staying healthy, or establishing successful social relationships, then intelligence will certainly play an important role in achieving success, but it is not everything.
Here are seven reasons why you won't succeed even if you're smart and hardworking:
1. You cannot form relationships with new people
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It's easy to hold on to people you've known for a long time, you both know each other's history, and you've been through a lot of situations and circumstances that solidified your relationship together, but the problem with old friends is that the same ideas are brought up over and over again with the same mindset without changing, so you can't Learn about new and different opinions and points of view outside this framework.
It may be difficult for you at first to form relationships with new people, but you have to realize the importance of this in expanding your social network and its impact on most aspects of your life, and then start getting to know new people gradually, as you can form a new relationship with at least one person In a new place you go, and make sure to stay in touch with this person if he is related to the same field of study or work, whether it is communication on the Internet or through the phone.
2. You refuse to change
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Being in the same environment for a long period of time creates a kind of “comfort zone”; So that it makes it difficult for you to get out of the environment to which you have adapted for a long time and adapt to a new environment with a different thought, which makes the person not flexible enough to deal with the various stresses he is going through in his work or in his life in general, so it is necessary for the person to be open He must have enough flexibility in his personality to be able to cope with unexpected events.
3. You are not willing to take risks
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Intelligent people often choose the safe way to reach what they want, so they like the idea of following the same path taken by them, just because that will be the most secure and inevitable way to reach, so you find many of them accept unsatisfactory positions for fear of the risk of trying something new, Despite trying the new thing, it is possible that his life will change a lot for the better, but he is afraid that it will end in failure and he will continue in the situation he is living in, and then not reach the desired success.
4. You have a narrow and different concept of success
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There is a class of intelligent people who have a different concept of success; Where you see that it is limited to working hard and according to the laws of the school or the workplace, you see some students who excel academically and are distinguished from their colleagues at the academic level, but they are unable to achieve success in reality or in the labor market, because they lack some personal skills that help them in that , their only belief that their academic excellence and obtaining the highest grades will contribute to obtaining a good job and forming a better future is no longer sufficient to achieve success. In addition to academic excellence, there are many skills required to achieve success such as openness with others, forming a good network of relationships, and proficiency in computer and language skills . English , as well as quick learning skills and adaptation to various surprising situations and matters.
5. You are scattered among many ideas and areas
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Sometimes the distraction hinders the person from reaching his goal, so the person becomes distracted between many ideas and looks into various fields with the aim of knowledge and education, but he does not realize that it may lead him to waste a lot of time if it is random and unorganized, learning new things related to your field is a matter Very important, but if you continue to apply this without prioritizing and organizing your time, you will find the result is very weak, and focusing effort on one or two specific goals and striving for them is much better in the long run and will help you achieve your goals in an orderly and non-random manner.
6. You cannot abide by a decision
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With the abundance of educational materials, it has become difficult for a person to identify one goal to strive for or one talent to work on perfectly. One of the most obstacles that occur with smart people is that they are scattered between several options and several areas and strive to achieve success in all of them but to no avail, because they are still They did not identify the most important and priority and therefore still dispersed their energy in several areas.
7. You don't believe in yourself
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What is said that an intelligent person always feels stupid because he believes that there is something he lacks to learn and know and that he is less intelligent than others because of his lack of knowledge is completely true, and also sometimes the ordinary person does not feel that he is normal or unintelligent and feels that he is one of the smartest people around him, because the more He increased in knowledge and culture as he discovered more unknown things that he had not heard about before, which makes some smart people doubt their abilities and think that they are less intelligent than others, and this is not true at all. There is no person on earth who has complete knowledge and knowledge of everything, and your trust By yourself and your abilities, it will be reflected in your dealings with people, making them see you as more intelligent and distinguished. As for other emphasis, it will affect the view of others towards you; Rather, your view of yourself and your achievement of success, so always remember the more confident you are in yourself and your abilities, the easier it will be for you to achieve success and reach your goal, and you will then be successful in the eyes of yourself before others.