One hundred percent successful way to preserve flour from moisture and insects.
One hundred percent successful way to preserve flour from moisture and insects. 11049 
To store flour
: The content of the old packages of flour should not be mixed with the content of the new. This will shorten the shelf life of the new flour.
If there is no air conditioner in the house, move the flour to the refrigerator or freezer in the summer.
Record the date you bought the flour, so you know how much time you have left.
Make sure to record the type of flour on the container in which it is stored, this is better and easier for you to distinguish between the types of flour saved.
Today, madam, from Umm Amira channel, we suggest an easy way to keep flour from moisture and insects for a longer period with rock salt and pepper
the ingredients :
Pieces of rock salt or live salt
Black peppercorns or beans
bags of vanilla sugar
We open the flour and pour it into the pots that we want to keep, then put with it pieces of salt and black pepper grains in a white dress, then open the bag of vanilla and close the pot so that no insects or moisture will enter.