? What is the effect of eggs on cholesterol level
 ? What is the effect of eggs on cholesterol level 11089
In the past it was believed that people should limit the number of eggs they eat to three to four eggs per week because they contain  cholesterol - it is the yolk that contains the cholesterol.
However, misconceptions about eggs and cholesterol largely stemmed from incorrect conclusions from early research that dietary cholesterol contributed to elevated cholesterol levels.
Eggs are part of a healthy diet for healthy people
Current research shows that for most healthy people, cholesterol in food, such as eggs, has a much smaller effect on blood levels than total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, especially when compared to the larger and more harmful effects of saturated fatty acids, and in fact, eggs low in saturated fat. . Recent research has also shown that moderate consumption of eggs, even one egg per day, does not increase the risk of heart disease in healthy individuals and can be part of a healthy diet.
Since around 2000, global and UK health organizations including us and the Department of Health have changed their advice on eggs, and there is now no recommended limit to the number of eggs people should eat, as long as you are eating a varied diet, however, it is still recommended People with familial hypercholesterolemia (1 in 500 in the UK) restrict dietary cholesterol intake to no more than three or four eggs per week.
Eggs are a nutritious food, but you still have to pay attention to how the  eggs are cooked and the additions that come with them. For example, scrambled eggs with baked beans on whole grain bread is a very different meal than fried eggs, bacon, sausage, and buttery white toast.
Eggs and cholesterol
