?What is the effect of exercise on prostate health
?What is the effect of exercise on prostate health 14-153
The Sustainable Health Program hosts Dr. Now behind the specialist in urology and reproductive organs surgery, to open the file on prostate health and the effect of exercise on it.
A recent medical study says: A man’s exercise contributes to his not developing prostate cancer
A new medical study indicates that exercise can reduce men's risk of prostate cancer by up to 51% in a study that is considered the largest of its kind.
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Scientists found that exercise, which includes gardening or walking, has a “much greater” protective effect than previously thought, according to the Daily Mail .
Researchers from the University of Bristol studied the activity of about 140,000 men by looking at the differences between their DNA. The team also looked at differences in DNA sequences that indicate how active a person is.
The analysis showed that the effects of genes were less in physically active people, which suggested that this was the reason for the benefit in cancer prevention.
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Men who were more active had their risk of prostate cancer halved, by up to 51%, compared to men who were less active.
Dr. Sarah Lewis, the lead author of the study, pointed out that most of the men participating in it were over 50 years old, and they were not professional athletes.
She added that these results indicate that the more active a man is, the better. She also recommended that men be as physically active as possible, as most evidence indicates that physical activity can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Finally, we point out that the American Cancer Society said that one in every forty-one men will die from prostate cancer.

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