The discovery of earth gaps that lead to aliens in the earth's interior
There is a study that indicates that the impact of the direct collision between the two planets Earth and Thea was so strong that it blended Theia and Earth together, in fact Thea, the planet that may be stuck inside the Earth
Aliens in the depths of the earth, and creatures that live with us on the surface of the earth, but we do not feel them because they are outside the scope of human perception and ability.
A few days ago, a session was held in the US Congress to study some mysterious flying objects that appeared in more than one place above the surface of the earth, and one of them passed next to an American fighter.
Which raised again doubts and questions: Do we humans live in this vast universe full of galaxies and planets alone? And is the planet Earth two planets in one planet? What does the expression "world of
? the hollow of the earth or the aliens in underground worlds" mean
In order to answer this and other vague questions, a committee was formed for the purpose of studying those strange phenomena that indicate the existence of other beings outside the planet. Rather, it is believed that there are creatures that live in the subsoil of the earth, and the US Congress called that committee the name (Group of Synchronization of Administration and Identification of Airborne Objects). )
Planet Thea:
The prevailing belief is that there was a planet called the planet THEIA that took a place in the hollow of the Earth and it does not belong to the planet Earth as a result of a violent collision with the planet Earth.
In 2016, a group of scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, suggested that the Earth as we know it now was formed when two planets, Earth and another named Theia, merged together as a result of a strong collision that occurred between them and this theory is known as the "Theia impact" or "Theia impact" Impact", or "Big Splash".
Scientists in this theory believe that the two planets' masses mixed together uniformly, while other scientists from Arizona State University suggest that the mysterious dense patches in Earth's interior, are actually the remains of pieces from the still-intact planet Theia.
Scientists behind this theory say that because of the difference in the density of the two planets, Theia fell into the Earth's interior, but
? where did this theory come from
This is due to what scientists have discovered in the underground of minerals and worlds unfit for human life, and it seems that they were not built in ground conditions, so that NASA scientists described in a report submitted by National Geographic about those minerals entitled “The alien underground” That: a place in the depths of the earth that does not belong to planet Earth.
? So who lives underground
In the amazing National Geographic report, scientists say about their journey to the interior of the Earth: “This is a journey to space and not to the interior of the Earth, and what we see here is similar to what we see in space of minerals, and we are not talking about a rock or a small piece, we are talking about large areas that reach the size of an entire continent "
This is not all. There is another theory other than the theory of Thea and its fall into the Earth's interior or its collision with the Earth. There is another scientific theory known as the "Hollow Earth Theory" that appeared in the late nineteenth century, and some scientists ridiculed it.
This theory says that the earth is hollow and in its interior is a whole world that we do not know anything about, but now it has been scientifically proven, with pictures and evidence, that this world actually exists, according to the claim of its supporters. Humans could live above the surface of the planet according to its conditions, so why are there not beings that live in the hollow of the earth in the planet Thea united with the earth - according to the first theory - and
? we do not know anything about them
? Do gray people inhabit the ground
If there are remnants as large chunks of Theia as a continent-wide swathe of minerals in the Earth's interior, and that's what humans have already been able to discover recently, does this shed light again on the Grays theory? Are there really non-human beings that were
? able to inhabit the earth's interior and live in it
 The discovery of earth gaps that lead to aliens in the earth's interior 11254
Philip Schneider was an American geologist, one of the most important chemical engineers specializing in the construction of biological research laboratories, and he worked for more than 15 years with the American administration, and supervised the construction of laboratories on American underground bases.
Suddenly Schneider announced at a scientific conference, statements that some called a scientific hallucination, and said that during his mission to supervise the project to expand the secret base of Dulce by digging underground at a depth of two and a half miles at the seventh level, in order to know the type of rocks to choose the method of detonation and obtain An empty area to create a network of tunnels of a certain area and depth, they found caves and caves carved in geometric ways.
Schneider confirmed that he and his team had gone down in these caves, and found networks of hand-dug tunnels containing some strange devices, belonging to creatures called grays.
Grays or Zeta Reticulans, non-human rational mythical creatures, get this name from the color of their gray skin, and their color changes according to their physiological state. And these grays, according to the theories put forward, some of them live in space and some of them in the underground.
What Schneider stated, which was more controversial, is that America knows the existence of these creatures and has concluded treaties with them, one of which was conducted in 1954, which is the Treaty of Greada.
In the same context, hollow-earth theorists say, that there are six gates or entrances on the planet that open to the hollow of the Earth where the grays live, and they also connect the Earth’s surface and its interior. The first and largest gate is located in the North Pole, the second is in the Antarctic, the third is in the Bermuda Triangle region in the Atlantic Ocean, the fourth is the port of the Formosa Triangle in the Pacific Ocean, the fifth is located below the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and the sixth is the port located in Area 51 in the desert of the US state of Nevada And from these gates come out flying objects that many claim to have seen.
And around the world there are those who believe in these theories and believe in the existence of another planet in the earth’s interior, inhabited by subterranean aliens, who ascend to the surface of the earth from time to time, and that Philip Schneider was assassinated after he revealed this dangerous secret information, and recently there was talk about the disappearance of a doctor The Egyptian physicist Maya Sobhi, in mysterious circumstances, who confirmed all this and stated it in many television interviews, confirmed the presence of aliens in holes in the Earth, most of them in the Antarctic, and that they are on a terrifying degree of progress, and added that the area of ​​​​the holes for the underground worlds is tens of kilometers and continued that there are people who live We are with us on the surface of the earth, but we do not feel them because they are outside the scope of human perception and ability.
Do you believe in the existence of aliens in the depths of the earth with whom America concluded a treaty more than half a century ago and that Germany was the first to reach these creatures and communicated with them, which in turn transferred them to America after Germany lost the Second World War and America’s control over the German secret program and through it the experts and scientists in the program were transferred The German secret for its lands, which includes the intercontinental ballistic missile program, as well as the space program, and a military base in the Nevada desert of America worked with them, Area 51.
That's not all, too. The American scientist Richard Byrne stated that he visited one of those gates in the Antarctic and communicated with aliens and estimated through that the transfer of a lot of modern technology, specifically in the middle of the twentieth century through the American project called the Red Project.
According to the study, the collision of Theia and Earth resulted in the moon, and researchers believe that Theia may have collided with Earth at an angle, strong enough to split Theia into small pieces and create the moon.
It's so amazing that Earth withstood an impact that included another planet entirely, and a moon appeared in the process. Well done
? earth. Do you believe this theory or is it a scientific hallucination