Study explains why aliens do not visit Earth
Study explains why aliens do not visit Earth 1588
A new study indicated that aliens (if they exist) have not visited our Earth so far, due to the fact that our solar system may not include the elements that attract other alien civilizations.
This study addressed the "Fermi Paradox", developed by physicist Enrico Fermi in 1950, which suggests that if rapidly expanding alien civilizations existed in the Milky Way, they must have visited our solar system. If you don't visit it, then it doesn't exist.
The study considered that alien civilizations would prefer stars of low mass, especially dwarf stars, as they are not attracted by all types of stars.

The study showed that alien civilizations will avoid stars with high mass, in order to extend their life in the galaxy.
The study considered that measuring stars by their longevity is not intuitive for humans. If one type of star lasts for 10 billion years, and another type lasts 10 trillion years, what difference will it make in people's lives? But this is different from the perspective of an alien civilization that is more than a million years old, for example.
Colonizing another solar system requires a lot of resources, so these civilizations will move away from stars that do not live for long periods.

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