? Can pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
 ? Can pregnancy and childbirth in outer space 11273
Since November 2011, there has been a continuous presence of humans in space. There has always been at least one human in space, although since Yuri Gagarin (the first human to be launched into space), only about 500 people have gone into outer space.
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Pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
? Can pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
So, we've pretty much demonstrated that we can survive long periods of time floating in outer space, but we're not even close to understanding the idea of ​​a human being born in that environment.
Astronauts are individuals trained to the heights of human fitness, backed by plenty of research and experience to guide them, but a human infant has none of these qualifications, which makes survival even more difficult. Even if pregnancy and childbirth are successful, you are not likely to be a healthy individual.
We know that the Moon is 4,00,000 km from the Earth's surface, which is quite large, considering that the farthest man from Earth  is  the Moon.
The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth in a geostationary orbit at an altitude of about 400 km, which is only 0.1% of the distance from the Moon.
 However, since astronauts on the International Space Station are weightless, I will limit the discussion to a child being born there.
 Apart from this, the International Space Station is currently the most suitable habitat that can support pregnancy and childrearing, which
! doesn't mean much, because it's still in space
Big difference in the environment: gravity
It is a common misconception that astronauts aboard the International Space Station experience "zero gravity". What they experience is weightlessness, which is very different from zero gravity.
Just because it is located 400 km above the Earth's surface does not mean that it is not affected by the Earth's gravity.
 The force of gravity is about the same there, about 90% of what it is on Earth.
In other words, if you were to walk in a building that is 400 kilometers tall, you would feel just as much attraction as you do now.
The reason the astronauts appear to be floating is because the International Space Station is orbiting the Earth at an incredible 8 km/s - faster than a speeding bullet! This speed is so high that the International Space Station is curved around the Earth's surface.
At such speeds, the force of gravity to which you are subjected is perfectly balanced by the force with which it is thrown. Basically, astronauts are in a steady state of free fall while inside the International Space Station.
This is currently the simplest and only possible way to simulate zero gravity, until we figure out a way to harness and implement artificial gravity.
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before he was born
Pregnancy with a baby in space is more difficult than you think.
 First,  the absence of gravity makes it very uncomfortable for people to be intimate, and even if there is a successful transplant, the problems do not end there.
Second  , human sperm cells need gravity to move to the egg, which makes it more difficult to fertilize the egg in space.
Third  , assuming successful fertilization, it is difficult for a fetus to mature into a child without the proper flow of fluid from the mother's body to the fetus.
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after birth
Motion sickness is a  major problem for the healthy development of an infant. In a Zero-G environment, fluids float in our inner ear responsible for perceiving balance in our bodies, causing confusion.
 For children born in space, this will be especially troublesome when they are already back on Earth and experiencing gravity.
Space-bred mice have already been studied and noted to have fewer problems getting used to weightlessness, although they have had a very difficult time dealing with direction and balance.
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Pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
Cosmetically  , space-born babies will look a little different. All fluids in our bodies are pulled downwards due to gravity, which is not possible in space.
Individuals born there will have puffy bodies and puffy faces.
 Since the heart does not have to work against gravity in space, it will atrophy and we will lose blood content, making us paler and weaker.
Because of the high blood pressure in our upper bodies, our eyes swell and our brains lose their efficiency.
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Pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
Radiation  from the sun, if not shielded by the Earth's ozone layer, would have disastrous results.
 Mice exposed to radiation levels that would be expected during a long stay on the International Space Station were shown to be more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.
 Astronauts on the International Space Station suffered from a deterioration in their immune system and a low white blood cell count.
 We have not yet come up with a way to protect ourselves from such large amounts of radiation for long periods of time.
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Pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
Skeletal and muscular abnormalities are  among the most obvious effects of a zero-G. The astronauts experienced a dilation of the spinal cord, which leads to an increase in their height. Some may grow 3% by the time they come back.
Without the usual and necessary stress, the bones atrophy in space.
If astronauts do not follow a strict exercise regimen, they will lose muscle and bone mass. This presents a particular problem for children, who are more likely to suffer from rickets and have irregularly shaped skeletons.
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Psychologically speaking  , being away from civilization and a complete lack of companionship would lead to depression. It is well known that poor mental health is responsible for health problems.
Therefore, there are  many  reasons to be skeptical about the possibility of giving birth to a child as a healthy individual while in space. On the other hand, imagine how hard it must be for a physically deformed, mentally depressed, dizzy, and mentally handicapped child.
 It would be extremely irresponsible to subject a person to such torture, even for the advancement of science. Therefore, the question about the possibility of the birth of children in space can be answered only in a hypothetical scenario.
It's sad and frustrating, but don't bother crying... In space, tears don't fall and no one can hear you anyway.
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? Can pregnancy and childbirth in outer space
