Outer space term
Outer space term 1---124
Space is known as the void that exists between celestial bodies, and it is called outer space to distinguish it from the air space that exists around the Earth. Space can also be defined from a physical perspective as a three-dimensional, unlimited space, in which objects take a relative position and direction.
Outer space is about 100 km or more away from Earth, and lacks the air that helps all living organisms breathe. Light is also not dispersed, and the color black prevails over the blue color, due to the lack of oxygen in outer space, which makes the sky blue.
Outer space contains many gases and small dust particles, in addition to some particles, radiation, and magnetic and electric fields. Space is not empty as many people think, as it contains a lot of matter. The space surrounding the stars is affected by the components of the stellar winds and magnetic fields. And what remains of the elements of the death of stars.
The empty regions surrounding stars are described as cold and fragile, as the number of molecules present varies from one medium to another. In some regions, every 1 cm2 contains only one molecule, while other regions contain many molecules.
Outer space term 13-15
Hydrogen and helium molecules are also widespread in the interstellar environment, as they constitute 98% of the molecules. Some other elements are available, but with a lower density than hydrogen and helium, and they are as follows:
Some other minerals.
After many trips to space, it became clear that the reason for the lack of gravity in it is because it is relatively empty. There are no features indicating movement, and movement in space is extremely slow. Below are some aspects of the difference between Earth and space regarding gravity.

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