?What does outer space smell like
?What does outer space smell like 2--64
Amazing answers from astronauts
Have you ever imagined what outer space smells like? Here's what the astronauts had to say
What does outer space smell like? A very strange question, and one that may not have occurred to any of us before, but that did not prevent the astronauts from providing us with the answer.
It is known that outer space is devoid of air, and therefore it is impossible to go out there to inhale its smell, but some astronauts working on the International Space Station were able to tell us the smell of space, after they went out on several missions in their space suits.
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As soon as these astronauts returned to the station and took off their space swimming clothes, there was a strong odor lingering on them, which is called the “space smell.”
The smell of space is due to the presence of scented carbohydrates, and its description differed from one person to another. Some astronauts described it as resembling a mixture of the smell of gunpowder, the smell resulting from welding metals, the smell emanating from motorcycle brakes, and the smell of ozone, all of which are strange industrial smells.
But on the other hand, some astronauts described that smell as similar to the smell of clothes that were left in the snow for a whole day until they got wet, and others described it as similar to burning coal, or rum.
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Some have also described the smell of space as resembling hazelnuts, burnt almond biscuits, or the smell of burnt grilled meat.

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