Healthy habits to avoid colds in the fall
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Autumn is approaching, and according to experts, there is no magic formula for avoiding illnesses like colds and flu, but we can make it difficult for you by adopting healthy habits to avoid them at this time of the year approaching.
Avoid colds in the fall
A cold or the common cold is a viral infection, generally of a moderate course, of the upper respiratory tract and affecting people of all ages, highly contagious and caused primarily by the rhinovirus and coronavirus.
The first symptoms of the common cold, such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, headache, runny nose, watery eyes, itching, pain or phlegm in the throat, cough, tiredness and general malaise, are usually caused by sudden changes in temperature or the same pressure.
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Avoid colds in the fall
 The following healthy habits to avoid colds in the fall:
Take vitamin C. There are some studies that prove the effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing colds.
Go for a run or exercise regularly. Those who exercise vigorously for at least 2.5 hours a week are 10% less likely to catch a cold.
Additionally, when we run we produce more nasal secretions, which means that if the virus gets attached to the nostrils, it exits before it's time to settle and penetrate the lungs.
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Avoid colds in the fall
Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of water moisturizes the nasal passages and mucous membranes so that you can expel a cold more easily.
Avoid cold and dry environments. The flu virus loves the common cold. It enters through the coldest areas of the gills and several studies have concluded that these low temperatures favor their reproduction.
Ventilate the house a lot, it must be avoided that the environment is too dry and has relative humidity, because the virus becomes inactivated when it increases. Ventilation is very important. The closed room is always a breeding ground for viruses.
Avoid crowds and closed places. Did you know that one person infected in the office can infect half of their co-workers in less than 4 hours? 35% of cold cases occur in offices and closed work environments.
Get vaccinated There is no effective vaccine or treatment for the disease, so alternatives available are limited exclusively to symptom control. In addition, the vaccine is not mandatory for a healthy population, but is highly recommended for high-risk groups such as children, pregnant women, people over 65 years of age and patients with weakened immune systems.
Wash your hands frequently and don't sneeze on them to avoid infection. Scrub them well with soap, for at least 20 seconds.
Always keep your feet dry and avoid touching your face, as the eyes, nose and mouth are the most sensitive areas of the body for viruses to enter.
Use tissue paper.
Do not self-medicate and sleep between 7 and 8 hours is of paramount importance.
The common cold is a common and easily preventable disease. It is important to rest and maintain a balanced diet that provides you with essential nutrients to keep your defenses high and avoid harmful substances.
Finally, experts point out that antibiotics kill bacteria, not viruses.
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Avoid colds in the fall