Habits that some think are bad but are actually healthy
Habits that some think are bad but are actually healthy 2172
According to the latest research and scientific studies, it turns out that some habits that we thought were bad are actually beneficial! What habits are we talking about?
Drinking coffee
Despite the common belief that coffee is harmful and may lead to cancer, a lot of scientific research has recently been conducted on it, which has proven that drinking black coffee is associated with a lower risk of cancer in addition to a range of other health benefits, such as preventing diabetes and promoting heart health. Doctors limit caffeine intake to 400 mg per day, or about 3 to 4 cups of coffee.
A large number of studies have recently concluded that so-called intermittent fasting may help some people lose weight. One of the most famous and most popular forms of fasting is abstaining from food for 16 hours and eating only for eight hours. Although the intermittent fasting diet is not suitable for all people, especially those with diseases such as diabetes and others, it has turned out to be an ideal way to lead a healthier life and lose some extra kilos.
eat eggs
Habits that some think are bad but are actually healthy 669
We have always heard that eggs are an animal product that contains a high percentage of cholesterol, fats and protein. However, it has become clear over time that eggs are healthy and that removing the yolk is unnecessary; Eggs contain a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals that you cannot get from other foods such as vitamin B12 and phosphorous.
Eat foods rich in fat
An eight-year study of nearly 50,000 women, nearly half of whom followed a low-fat diet, found that women who followed a low-fat diet did not reduce their risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer, or heart disease, and they did not lose weight by percentage. big. So, new recommendations suggest that eating healthy fats in moderation, such as fats, fish and avocados, is actually a good thing.

Have a glass or two of wine
Excessive drinking is known to be very dangerous to health, but some research suggests that very moderate alcohol consumption - between a glass and two glasses of wine or beer a day - may have significant health benefits, such as a reduced risk of degenerative disease. age-related cognitive.
Taking a nap
Habits that some think are bad but are actually healthy 750
People who like to nap don't necessarily have to be lazy, and some studies suggest that this habit can actually be linked to significant health benefits, especially if you're the type of person who doesn't sleep much. Among these benefits, strengthen memory, creativity skills, the ability to focus, and relieve stress and stress. It also turns out that naps can help you lose weight!
sleep well!
