Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs? - Top Destinations in Algeria
?Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs 1324
The most observed bird in the desert, the famous White-headed Wheatear. Known to us as "Moula Moula". It symbolizes life. As soon as the traveler crosses the limits of the habitable lands, the first living witness who welcomes him is this bird, hence his nickname of lucky bird, because they announce the presence of water.
In the Sahara, it is called “moula-moula”, which is much more poetic than “Traquet à tête blanche”, White-crowned wheatear in English or even “Oenanthe leucopyga”.
?Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs 1324
Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs 1Adult, this bird can measure between 17 and 18.5 cm for a wingspan of 29 cm, about as big as the Black Wheatear. It resembles the Hooded Wheatear but is distinguished by the black tail with totally white outer rectrices.
The young are very different since they do not have a white cap and sport the characteristic tail of wheatears of the genus Oenanthe, namely white with a black inverted T.
?Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs 1-22
It is the lucky bird of the Tuaregs, who devote many legends to it. It is found on the acacia, from where it monitors insects and small reptiles, which it feasts on, it leaves as soon as it is approached.
He always stays a few meters away, but he especially approaches if you throw a piece of bread at him.
?Do you know the lucky bird of the Tuaregs 1-62
The moula-moula is the desert bird par excellence, many Tuareg stories feature it. Bird all black except the rump. The top of the male's head is white. Young males have a completely black head. Females are black tinged with brown.

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