Russian scientists reveal a huge asteroid approaching Earth
Russian scientists reveal a huge asteroid approaching Earth 11387 
Russian scientists announced that an asteroid with a diameter of about half a kilometer is heading towards Earth, but it does not pose an immediate danger.
In this context, scientists from the Russian Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics made a statement on this topic on social media.
The related statement said: “On the night of October 1, two observatories in southern Russia confirmed the discovery of 2022 SE37, a new asteroid approaching Earth.
  It was noted that the object in question did not constitute an immediate danger.
Russian scientists reveal a huge asteroid approaching Earth 11388 
"This is one of the 30,000 asteroids that have already been discovered around the Earth. It flies millions of kilometers from our planet and poses no danger to Earth," astronomer Yuri Balega told TASS.

Source: websites