This is how the year 1966 saw the creation of the great “Lady”: The Berber Academy of Exchanges and Cultural Research.
This association governed by the 1901 Law was founded by a few Franco-Kabyle intellectuals including Rahmani Abdelkader, Hanouz Med Saïd, Naroun Amar, Mohamed Arkoun, Augustin Ibazizen, Youcef Achour, Khelifati Med Amokrane, Marguerite Taous Amrouche, Hamici Chabane (Hamid)…
From the 1970s, the office of this academy included: A President: Hanouz Med Saïd, pharmacist, a Vice-president: Youssef Achour, Former Senator, a Secretary General: Hamici Hamid, host of the Kabyle radio channel, a Treasurer Ms. Mina Charlette.
Bessaoud Med Arab ensured the permanence of the association where he took up residence at 5 rue d'Uzès.

The Berber Academy had been for ten years the meeting place for a whole generation of Amazigh activists mobilized for the defense and rehabilitation of the Amazigh identity and language in the countries of Amazighia* (Tamazgha) .
The first work of popularization, sensitization and sensitization of the populations was mainly the work of the Berber Academy "Agraw Imazighen" of Paris, of the Berber Academy of Roubaix founded by myself in 1971, of the Union of the Amazigh People (UPA) founded in 1974 by the late friend and friend Amar Neggadi as well as the OFB founded in 1975 in Algeria by my identity combat companions the late Haroun Mohamed hero of the Amazigh nation, Smail Medjber and in France by me- same.

The Berber Academy "Agraw Imazighen" had a pedagogical communication based on the popularization of history, the rehabilitation of great characters and other heroes of Amazigh history and civilization, in the direction of immigration and in the countries of 'origin. On the advice of the late Mas Mahdjoubi Aherdan who published in his weekly Tidmi n° 38 October 1995 my first plea for the use of Tifinagh, the Berber Academy had had the intelligence to rehabilitate the Amazigh alphabet which had served as a support awareness of Amazigh identity. This is how she was able to restore pride to all the Amazighs of North Africa and the Canary Islands. All the generations that followed the Amazigh Spring of 1980 owe their political and identity awareness to him.
The design of the Amazigh flag (achenyal amazghan), the standardization of the Tifinagh alphabet, the first booklet of Berber first names, the start of the Amazigh year, the reappropriation of the Amazigh identity and the denomination of the Amazigh people, of Tamazgha are the work of the Berber Academy of Paris, the Berber Academy Direction du Nord, the Afus Deg Wfus association of Roubaix, the Union of the Amazigh People (UPA) and the Berber Forces organization ( OFB). Thanks to these organizations, the Amazighs reclaimed their identity as free men. Today the Amazigh space (African Sub-Continent) extends from Egypt to the Canary Islands, from East to West, from Algeria to the South of Niger, from North to South.

Updated extract from the conference debate given by Med Ouramdane KHACER on May 3, 1972 at the Foyer de Jeunes Travailleurs in Roubaix and on January 1, 1991 in the room of the former Town Hall of Taourirt Mimoun in At Yanni (Béni yenni) after his return from exile on December 20, 1990.

Source: websites