?How does the spacecraft operate until it reaches its destination
How does the spacecraft work until it successfully reaches its destination, covering a thousand kilometers since its launch from the surface of the earth to space, what is the speed of the spacecraft, what are the types of spacecraft, what are the components of spacecraft, what is the power and capacity of the spacecraft, and how does the design of the spacecraft maintain the     ?safety of the crew of the spacecraft from Astronauts ? And the price of space travel
The spacecraft is one of the strong evidences of the technological progress of man. Through spacecraft, man has become able to travel in the vast space after his dream at the beginning of the past centuries was to obtain a means of transportation that would enable him to travel a few kilometers on Earth. A spacecraft is a vehicle or a machine. Designed for flying in outer space. The objectives set for it vary according to their types and composition.
Starship :
The spacecraft is one of the strong evidences of the technological progress of man. Through spacecraft, man has become able to travel in the vast space after his dream at the beginning of the past centuries was to obtain a means of transportation that would enable him to travel a few kilometers on Earth. A spacecraft is a vehicle or a machine. Designed for flying in outer space. The objectives set for it vary according to their types and composition.
Starship :
Spacecraft have a major role in the exploration of space. Through these trips, many secrets of space and its components, galaxies and features of planets were discovered, and thus data and information about our vast planet developed and increased.

A spacecraft is a vehicle that is usually manned by one or more astronauts and is able to reach outer space, carried on a powerful rocket that takes off from ground stations into space.
A spacecraft is a vehicle that can transport people and equipment beyond the Earth's atmosphere through space to other planets if possible or to space stations or orbits and back to Earth again.
There are different forms of spacecraft propulsion, but most spacecraft are propelled by rocket engines that fire high-temperature gases in the opposite direction of launch. Spacecraft that do not need to be separated may use ion thrusters or other more efficient methods.
Because of the very large amount of energy required to move against Earth's gravity, spacecraft are usually very expensive to build, launch, and operate.
Types of spacecraft:
Manned spacecraft:
They are the spacecraft that transport astronauts to outer space. Therefore, they must contain basic life support. They come in two types, spacecraft that are used more than once, such as the space shuttle, or spacecraft that are used only once.
Orbital spacecraft:
Orbital space vehicles are vehicles whose mission is to travel to distant planets or to enter the orbit of a moon. Therefore, they must contain a large thrust force to slow them down in time and enter the orbit with high technology, and be able to withstand the large difference in temperature and the ability to Energy storage in the absence of sunlight from solar panels.
Atmospheric probe:
Atmospheric probe is a small spacecraft that is connected to the mother spacecraft and can separate from it when approaching the gaseous atmosphere of any planet in order to study the gaseous atmosphere of the planet, therefore it must be equipped with a parachute to help it land, and an air cover that helps it enter the atmosphere
Characteristics and components of the spacecraft:
There are a number of characteristics that must be available in the manned spacecraft or ship in order to keep the crew alive, and the most important of these characteristics are:
Living and breathing systems:
The spacecraft intended to transport a group of astronauts abroad must be equipped with life support systems and maintain the safety of the spacecraft crew, and one of its most important functions is working to remove carbon dioxide and reduce the humidity inside the spacecraft as much as possible to keep the internal air breathable.
Proper payment systems:
The spacecraft must have the ability to maintain the flight path accurately in order to ensure the return of the vehicle to Earth, as the service unit in the spacecraft contains 33 engines of different sizes, and the main engine has great capabilities to turn around the moon and return to Earth’s orbit, and the rest of the engines direct vehicle in the right direction.
The ability to repel heat:
The spacecraft must be designed so that it can withstand heat and not be subjected to corrosion and work to repel the high temperatures resulting from the fall of sunlight on the spacecraft and the crew remaining inside within reasonable temperatures, in addition to the farther the spacecraft is from Earth, it has to consume more energy to return, which leads to reaching its speed Thirty times the speed of sound, so the heat will be twice as hot as molten lava, or half the temperature of the sun.
Radiation protection:
When the spacecraft moves from Earth to outer space, it becomes vulnerable to various radiations that arise from charged particles and solar storms that cause disturbances to sensitive computers, avionics and the rest of the vehicle's equipment, in addition to exposing the crew to danger when exposed to radiation for long periods of time to cancer in the long term. Therefore, the vehicle must be equipped with systems that block these radiations and reduce their danger as much as possible.
Continuous communication, navigation and light weight:
Navigation system: It is also called the position and orbit control device, and it is one of the most important parts for the vehicle to maintain its balance and stability, and through this system the vehicle can control its intended destination, in addition to maintaining the orientation of the solar panels towards the sun all the time, and inside this system there are eyes A sensor that can sense the location of the sun and stars, and thus direct the vehicle in its direction in the appropriate manner.
Through it, it is also possible to maintain, as much as possible, the spacecraft's connection with the Earth's systems, to work on transmitting the information obtained by the astronauts, in addition to working on guiding the spacecraft in the event that its basic systems fail to work.
And work on using the equipment provided by the spacecraft to transmit images and information with high accuracy, and the spacecraft must have solidity and durability to resist any external objection, in addition to being light in weight so that it can escape from the pull of the Earth in the event of encountering it, so the spacecraft is made of aluminum; Because it is one of the strong and durable elements in addition to its light weight.
space shuttle
The space shuttle is also considered a space shuttle. The space shuttle carries satellites and equipment with it. The shuttle can transport a payload to space that weighs 32 tons. One of the most important features of this vehicle is that it is partially reusable. The space shuttle is a vehicle consisting of three main sections, the manned vehicle that It floats in space and is called the Shuttle, an external tank for liquid fuel, and two rockets for propulsion.
 ?How does the spacecraft operate until it reaches its destination 1439
The shuttle starts its take-off vertically like a conventional rocket, then the two solid-fuel rockets are separated after the fuel runs out, and the shuttle continues to climb with the force of its thrust with the help of the external fuel tank until the spacecraft alone reaches outer space and the empty tank separates and falls into the ocean, after completing its spin around the Earth To gain an escape velocity from Earth's gravity, estimated at 11.93 kilometers per second, and after the shuttle completes its mission, it returns again to Earth and descends according to a landing process with a specific path in which it continues to descend, then ascend, then descend in order to reduce the temperature of the thermal insulator and reduce the speed. In the last stage of landing, the shuttle follows the gliding landing system, because there is no engine in the shuttle until it docks on the ground. The space shuttle is characterized by the fact that it can perform more than one flight.
The space shuttle can transport satellites and other vehicles in the cargo hold of the spacecraft for deployment in space, and can also rendezvous with orbiting spacecraft to provide the astronauts with the services they need, resupply, board or retrieve them for return to Earth, moreover it can The vehicle is to serve as a space platform for conducting experiments and to be an observatory for Earth and cosmic bodies for up to about two weeks.
Spacecraft history:
Vostok 1 was the first spacecraft and the first manned spacecraft in history, as the first manned space flight took place on April 12, 1961, when Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in the Vostok 1 spacecraft in a journey that lasted 108 minutes. Thus, Yuri Gagarin became the first A human being crosses into outer space
While the first manned flight to the moon was on December 21, 1968, when the United States launched the Apollo 8 spacecraft, which orbited the moon eight times, then returned to Earth after successfully completing its mission. The surface of the moon, where Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the surface of the moon.
During the 1970s, astronauts developed various skills to survive in space aboard the Skylab and Salyut space stations, and in 1987 and 1988 two Soviet cosmonauts orbited for 366 consecutive days aboard a spacecraft.
Spacecraft Components:
Most spacecraft consist of the same parts which are:
Solar panels that convert solar energy into electricity to supply energy to the vehicle to perform its functions.
Fuel tanks to propel the spacecraft, usually in the form of miniature nuclear reactors.
Monitoring and surveillance cameras, which are high-quality computers equipped with many smart software.
Tools for receiving and transmitting data and information to ensure that the vehicle remains in constant contact with the ground.
The engine through which spacecraft are launched to carry out their tasks, the most important of which are:
chemical engine:
Its first use was in the year 1980, and it is the fastest chemical rocket ever built. Its engine was built to launch satellites.
Plasma pulse engine:
It was first used in 1957 and is believed to be the fastest propulsion system that scientists have built so far.
As well as the fusion engine, which is very similar to those engines used in regular rockets with more power.
Some space accidents:
Apollo 1 - 1967:
The first fatal accident in the history of American spaceflight occurred on January 27, 1967, during preparation for the first manned mission of the Apollo space program. A fire broke out in the Apollo 204 command module during a simulated launch at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida, killing three crew members. Astronauts .
Soyuz 1 - 1967:
Just three months after the Apollo 1 fire, Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov became the first fatality in spaceflight when Soyuz 1, the first Soviet spacecraft intended to reach the Moon, crashed to Earth on April 24, 1967.
Soyuz 11 - 1971:
The Russians launched the world's first space station, Salyut-1, in April 1971, and in June, three astronauts aboard Soyuz 11 spent three weeks conducting experiments and recording observations at the space station. On its return flight on June 30, the spacecraft returned normally and made an automatic descent without problems. But when the ground team opened the craft's hatch, they found the three astronauts were unresponsive.
It appears that a faulty air vent opened, the cabin lost air pressure, and the astronauts, none of whom were wearing spacesuits, likely suffocated to death 30 minutes before landing.
Space suit price:
Of course, due to the harsh and changing geographical and climatic factors in space, you must wear a special space suit, which costs about $11 million.
The price of space travel:
Russia priced the price of one seat inside the spacecraft, at a value of 75 million dollars, and this price was agreed upon between NASA and Russia.
As for private companies such as "Space X" and "Boeing", they have announced the possibility of sending private flights to space, and it is expected that the cost of one seat will be approximately $ 58 million.


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