The 10 emblematic recipes of Oran cuisine
The 10 emblematic recipes of Oran cuisine 1489
Algerian cuisine is characterized by a richness drawn from land and sea production. It is a Mediterranean and North African cuisine based on Amazigh cuisine.
Because culinary heritage is a treasure! Guide Oran offers you for this week its top 10 essential and emblematic preparations, not to be missed during a trip to our beautiful city of Oran.
Oranese Berkoukes
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Oranese Berkoukes
What could be better and more obvious than to start with a good family recipe, namely the Berkoukes Oranais. Indeed, the latter points his nose during happy events such as the celebrations of new borns as an example guide. Berkoukes Oranais, containing minced meat and chicken among other things and eaten very hot, turns out to be an ideal dish as well as very appreciated and demanded during winter periods.
Rougag or Trid (white sauce)
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Rougag or Trid (white sauce)
Typical dish of North African gastronomy, Rougag exists in two distinct versions: one in red sauce very common in the east of the country, and the one that interests us today, namely in white sauce, which remains a specialty of West. This dish is often prepared as part of the celebration of the Amazigh New Year, or during religious festivals such as Achoura.
Gazpacho Oranais
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Gazpacho Oranais
It is very likely that very few of our readers are familiar with this delicious Oranese dish that some Westerners like to call “Onion Fortnight”, although the latter is in no way a soup. This ancient dish was especially admired and famous among the community of hunters, and this because of the large quantity of cooked meat from hunting that it contains. It is faster to prepare and delicious to taste.
La H'rira
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La H'rira
Unlike Chorba, which remains widespread in the capital as well as in the eastern region of the country, Harira remains the typical soup of the gastronomic culture of the west of the country. Usually prepared with sourdough, which gives it a special, creamy texture that smells of Caraway, it remains still and always THE emblematic dish of the holy month of Ramadan.
5 The Tortilla Oranaise
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Tortilla Oranaise
Ideal for improvised meals and very easy to prepare, this Tortilla made of eggs, potato flakes, milk, olive oil, garlic and fresh parsley, is often prepared at brunches or picnics. Delicious in taste, the Tortilla Oranaise remains appreciated for its flavors by adults and children alike.
The Mbesses Oranais
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The Mbesses Oranais
Different from the original recipe of fried Mbesses with honey, this Oran variant of this melting Algerian pancake, is characterized by the fact that the latter is not fried in an oil bath, but rather cooked dry without any fat, and this in a smooth cast iron tajine, generally used to cook Matlouh, Harcha, Msemen, Mhajeb or Batbout bread. Much appreciated by the Oran community, the Mbesses Oranais is generally consumed during the afternoon accompanied by a mint tea which helps to bring out all its flavor.
The Kaak Oranais
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The Kaak Oranais
Unlike Kaak de Tlemcen, which is characterized by its strong and rigid appearance during tasting, Kaak Oranais comes in the form of crown brioches, and therefore, softer when tasted. This variant is also characterized by the fact that it is scented with flower water. It is generally prepared and consumed on Fridays or even during religious holidays, in particular Aid, and whether with tea or coffee according to preference.
Tagine of olives
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Tagine of olives
A characteristic dish of Oran cuisine, the latter differs from the Algerian tajine by its sauce. Contrary to the Algiers recipe which bathes the olives in a white sauce, we opt for a red sauce, more consistent and creamy, bringing out all the acidity of the olives. The whole thing is usually mixed with a chicken thigh, resulting in an explosion of the most succulent flavors. It remains very popular and consumed during the periods of Ramadan.
The Mouna
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:The Mouna
Commonly called Lamona by the local population, this delicacy remains a purely and typically Oran specialty. Presented as a brioche in the shape of a dome or a crown, it remains a bequest and a heritage of Pied-noir cuisine in Oran, and which this community generally made for Easter celebrations.
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Karantika, also called garantiea, calentica, karantita, is an Algerian dish of Hispano-Oranian origin made with chickpea flour, having the appearance of a gratin or a flan. Frequently sold by itinerant merchants in the big cities of Algeria, it is preferably eaten hot.

Source: Oran Guide