Belgium.. issuing an international arrest warrant against the head of Moroccan foreign intelligence, DGED, Yassin Mansouri
Belgium.. issuing an international arrest warrant against the head of Moroccan foreign intelligence, DGED, Yassin Mansouri 1-101
The Italian newspaper La Repubblica confirmed, in its issue issued yesterday, Saturday, December 17, 2022, the involvement of the Moroccan regime in the corruption scandal afflicting the European Parliament, one of the important institutions of the European Union.
According to La Repubblica newspaper, the Belgian federal judge in charge of the case issued an international arrest warrant against the head of Moroccan foreign intelligence at the Moroccan Directorate General of Studies and Documents (DGED, Anti-Espionage). Mohammed Yassin Al-Mansoori.
The latter is involved in the so-called “MOROCCO GATE”, through a “European” network operating on behalf of the Moroccan regime, which was dismantled after five months of hard work by Belgian investigators.
Several elements of the investigation converge towards an organized corruption network between Morocco and several members of the European Parliament.
According to the Italian media outlet, Belgian investigators are also looking into bribes paid by the Makhzen to members of the European Parliament.
Through the statements of Francesco Giorgi, the companion of Eva Cali, the imprisoned MEP and the ousted Vice-President of the European Parliament, the investigators worked on this new part of the file.
According to Repubblica as well as to the Belgian media outlet Le Soir, Francesco Giorgi has admitted to incidents of corruption related to Qatar, as well as to Morocco.
Francesco Giorgi is not the only companion of Eva Kylie. Rather, he was for several years the parliamentary aide to the very influential Pier Antonio Panzieri, an Italian socialist, former member of the European Parliament, and currently imprisoned for his involvement in the corruption scandal that rocked the European Parliament.
According to Francesco Giorgi's confessions, Pierre-Antonio Panziri was at the time trying to influence European policies related to the file of decolonization of Western Sahara, in which the issue of settling the conflict depends on the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolutions, which require the organization of a referendum to decide the fate of the Saharawi people.
Moroccan diplomat Abd al-Rahim Othmoun is at the heart of the “Maroc Gate” scandal
As we revealed in a previous article published a few days ago, the Moroccan diplomat and ambassador to Poland, Abd al-Rahim Othmoun, had an important role in what should be called Maroc Gate.
Le Soir and La Repubblica revealed that the money passed through the diplomat, Abd al-Rahim Othmoun. The latter was also co-chair, with Pierre Antonio Panziri, of the Joint European-Moroccan Commission between 2011 and 2019. It was also thanks to him that the European Parliament concluded a “confidentiality agreement” with the Directorate General of Studies and Documents DGED, in 2019.
In addition to these shocking discoveries, the request for the extradition of Panziri's wife and daughter.
The document, seen by POLITICO, that resulted from the wiretap, confirms that the two women were "fully aware of the activities" and "even participated in the transportation of gifts" that the diplomat provided.
Pierre Antonio Panzieri will not be the only one who received money from Morocco, as according to what was revealed by Francesco Giorgi, the Italian Andrea Cozzolino (member of the parliamentary delegation for relations with the countries of the Maghreb) and the Belgian Marc Tarabella (member of the delegation for relations with the Arabian Peninsula) have links Suspicious with Rabat as well as with Doha. Knowing that the investigation into the corruption case in the European Parliament is not over yet, but is only in its infancy.

The Moroccan regime is rooted in a culture of espionage
It is worth noting in this record the Pegasus spyware scandal, manufactured by the Israeli company NSO, whose case broke out in the summer of 2021, after an investigation conducted by a consortium, which included about a hundred journalists, and about twenty. media outlet, and the NGO Forbidden Stories, in association with Amnesty International.
Morocco used the Pegasus system extensively to spy not only on prominent opposition figures to the Makhzen regime, but also on dissidents, and senior political, military, and security officials from several countries, including France and Spain.
Even international organizations were not excluded, and in this record it is necessary to mention the case of a Moroccan chapter working at UNESCO for its relations with the Moroccan intelligence services.
Belgium.. issuing an international arrest warrant against the head of Moroccan foreign intelligence, DGED, Yassin Mansouri 1--28
Yassin Al Mansouri in the footsteps of Abdul Latif Hamouchi
If the head of the DGED, Yassine Mansouri, is today the subject of an arrest warrant issued by the Belgian federal judge in the context of the corruption scandal rocking the European Parliament, his colleague and head of the Moroccan DST, Abdellatif Hammouchi, has survived. In 2015, following a complaint about alleged acts of torture, the victim, Moroccan boxer Zakaria Moumni, submitted it.
