Strange and surprising information about the crow

The crow is one of the most famous types of birds and it is spread all over the world. It is classified as a bird of prey. The crow is characterized by its jet-black color, but there are many types of crows that have other colors, but the black color is the dominant color. The crow belongs to the crow family. It is called the crow. The black crow, the whining crow, there are several other types of crows, including the blue crow and the Indian house crow.
Strange and surprising information about the crow 1523
types of crows
- The crow is considered one of the farmer's friendly birds as it feeds on insects and agricultural pests. The crow is one of the strong birds as it is not afraid of eagles, hawks and owls.
- The crow weighs about one kilogram, and its length reaches about 40 cm. The crow lives in flocks and groups.
- Crows kill any crow that has an infectious disease immediately so that it does not harm and does not transmit the infection to the rest of the crows, and this is the biggest evidence that the crow is the smartest of birds.
The crow is the one who taught man burial, and this is one of the strange and amazing facts about the crow. It is the one who taught Cain, son of Adam, peace be upon him, how to hide the shame of his brother, as he buried another dead crow in front of Cain. From here, humans learned how to bury the dead.
- The crow has a loud voice called squawking. Most people consider the crow an ominous bird because of the severity of its color. The crow is characterized as a fierce, aggressive, intelligent bird and sometimes fun.
- It is surprisingly strange that a crow can. Not only does it recognize people's faces, but it can also classify people into good and bad people.
- When one of the crows dies, the rest of the birds surround the dead crow and stand over it in something like a funeral and mourning, after that they gather to find out the cause of death, and if the dead person was killed, then all the crows gather and chase the killer until they eliminate him, and they also bury the dead crow.
- The crow can produce a very large number of calls, which scientists say is a language of communication, and they use this language to drive away cats, owls, and humans.
- Crows can imitate red-tailed hawks and juniper actros, and there are some crows that can imitate and simulate human speech, the crow can count up to number 7 and can learn about 100 words, and it can learn about 50 complete sentences.
It is known that the crow is a bird that eats meat and small animals such as: mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. It eats eggs, insects, grains, nuts, fruits, and non-insect favourites. It also eats worms and slugs. It can eat some types of small birds. The crow stores food in the short term in trees.
The crow lives in many habitats, and crows are spread all over the world except Antarctica. It is found in mountain forests, coniferous forests, deciduous forests, tundra, and evergreen forests in deserts, pastures, and plains.
Strange and surprising information about the crow 1524
Information about crow
• Crow types
There are several types of crows, the most important of which are the following:
- The black crow or the raven
This species is considered one of the most widespread types of crows. It lives in northern Europe in Scandinavia, Iceland, and Ireland. It is spread throughout Asia from the Pacific Ocean to the Himalayas. It is found in India, Iran, northwest Africa, and North and Central America.
- American crow
The American crow lives in North America and is widespread in agricultural lands and open lands in which trees abound.
- Raven
Called the Raven, this crow is found throughout Europe and Western Asia and in open areas, plains and steppes.
- The wailing crow
This type of crow lives in North Africa and is about 50 cm long. It is a black crow except for the neck which is brown.
- crow
This species is considered the smallest species of crow spread on the coastal strip of the United States of America. This type of crow feeds on fish. It is distinguished by its small size, as it is almost equal to the size of a small pigeon. It has a loud and sharp voice.
- Indian house crow
This type of crow lives in the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Its length is about 40 cm. This crow is distinguished by its black color in the head, neck, back, wings, tail, and the rest of the body is gray.
- Propeller tailstock
It is also called the "crow of the eye", the Arabs are pessimistic about it and say that it brings ruin. It lives in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Palestine and Sudan. It has a fan tail and a long wing. Its color is black and tends to bluish.
- Blue Crow
This type of crow lives in Egypt, Palestine and Syria. It is about 43 cm long and black in color, tending to gray.

• Mating when the crow
The crow's mating season begins at the end of winter, the male is an adult at the age of four years and the female is an adult at the age of only three years.
The female lays two to six eggs in the nest. The eggs hatch after 19 days of incubation.
- The female crow feeds the young up to the age of 45 days, the male brings food and the mother is the one who feeds the young.
- The young can come out after a month from the nest, and one of the chicks remains with one of its parents until the next mating season.
- The male crow lives with his wife for a long life, and if a male stranger approaches the female, she strikes him until he moves away from her, out of loyalty to her husband.
!Crows courts.. one of the most fair courts on earth
Although most people turn away from it and consider its sound a bad omen, scientific studies confirm that the crow is the smartest bird, as the crow has the largest brain size relative to its body size compared to all birds.
One of the most important things that can be talked about in the world of animals and birds is the courts known as the Crows Courts, which are among the most just courts on earth, as their results cannot be tampered with, whatever the reasons.
And the group of crows in those courts prosecute the crow outside the laws of innate justice on which this bird was created, as every crime committed by one of the crows has a special penalty that is implemented immediately after the decision is taken by the group.

As for the punishments that science has explained some of, they are as follows:
- The crime of raping the food of young chicks
The usurper of the chicks' food shall be punished by plucking all of his feathers so that he becomes unable to fly, as are the young chicks whose growth has not yet been completed.
- The crime of destroying the nest
The Court of Crows obliges the nest-wrecker to build a replacement nest for the owner of the demolished nest
- The crime of adultery with another female crow
The punishment requires that the adulterer be beaten to death with beaks.
The punishment requires that the adulterer be beaten to death with beaks.
Crows court sessions are held in a wide area where they meet at a specific time, where the guards bring the accused and keep him until the verdict is pronounced and executed.
For your information, the crow digs graves and buries the dead, even if the dead crow is one of those sentenced to death.

Source: websites