10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history

What do we know about the ancient Egyptians? That they discovered papyrus or that they were able to embalm the bodies of the pharaohs, with a secret mixture that no one could reveal its secret until now? Or did they resist building the pyramids of this height and magnitude? This information is just a simple peel of what this civilization holds of secrets and amazing facts.
!Today, let's unveil some information that is unknown to many people about the lives of the ancient Egyptians, which you did not read in history books while studying, and you will most likely not see in Hollywood movies
!In ancient Egypt, women enjoyed full rights and were equal in rights with men. They had the right to own property and the freedom to manage that property and transfer ownership of land, provided that it was from the mother’s side only. Excessive freedom did not only include possession, but she wore whatever she wanted, chose her husband herself, could file for divorce, and even get married for the second time
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1-906
Despite the fact that most of the women were housewives, this did not mean that they had opportunities to work. The working classes of society used to work in women as well as men, whether in mills or in spinning textiles. They even deputized for their husbands in the shops while the men were engaged in grueling field work. As for the ladies of the noble classes, they had the opportunity to learn, and this enabled them to hold high positions in the country. They worked as scribes, doctors, priestesses, and even rulers of the state. But this was in exceptional cases, of course.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1-907
Nursing mothers enjoyed special respect among the ancient Egyptians, and were even equated with the gods they worshiped. Although the Egyptian civilization was known for its medical development at the time, childbirth did not receive the attention it deserved. This is the reason why many women die during labour. Breastfeeding was very important at the time due to the high temperatures, because milk prevents children from becoming dehydrated. This is why wealthy families often signed contracts with wet nurses, according to which, in the event of the death of the mother, the wet nurse was obligated to take care of the child.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1--395
The ancient Egyptians ate a diet mostly of fruits and vegetables. As for meat, it was only shown on holidays and on special occasions, because it spoiled in hot weather. Speaking of foods, coconut received special attention as it was a delicacy that was imported to Egypt from other countries.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1--91
It was rumored that the ancient Egyptians forced people to build the pyramids against their will. But some studies denied this rumor, and their evidence is that they found skeletons buried near the pyramids of Giza, and after studying them, they discovered that they were working in hard physical work. Archaeologists agree that they were the ones who built the pyramids, and also according to Egyptian history, people from the lower classes are not allowed to be buried next to the sacred tombs of the pharaohs, because this is considered a great honor, and this proves the theory that these were hired employees.
Another fact that confirms the theory that the builders were not forced laborers, but most of them were residents of ancient Egypt who were working in agriculture, is that agriculture was an essential profession at the time, but the soil in the Nile Valley was only available for agricultural work several months of the year, and this is what He created free time for farmers most of the time, which prompted them to work in building pyramids and temples.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1---188
Celebrating birthdays in ancient Egypt was restricted only to the nobles, but of course it was done differently than we are used to today, as celebrations were held on the day of their coronation. Some historians believe that the custom of wearing crowns on birthdays appeared in those old birthdays.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1---189
You will be surprised to learn that a person's name is hidden from him/her for the rest of his/her life, because according to legend if a person learns his/her name, he/she will be magically cursed. For this reason, the Egyptians used titles, or the so-called “good” names, and this is the reason why many pharaohs took the names of the great ancestors when they ascended the throne, because they believed that these names were a guarantee of their safety, especially in the afterlife and the life of immortality in which they believe.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1----78
The ancient Egyptians had a strong connection with the Nile, and they believed that their souls could pass safely and securely into immortality only if they were buried in the sacred Nile Valley! That is why they were afraid of dying outside their motherland, which prompted them not to travel much, and therefore not to show off their impressions of other countries, such as the Greeks, for example.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1----79
A dental bridge was found in some mummies - which is a tooth or several teeth to replace the missing teeth - with gold. This proves that the Egyptians invented a system of dental fixtures, but it is still unknown whether these fixtures were installed during a person's life or after his death during his mummification.
Personal hygiene had a special place for the ancient Egyptians, as representatives of different classes of society used to shower on a daily basis, each in his own way. The poor classes of society used to bathe in the Nile itself, while the richer classes had private bathrooms equipped with water drainage in their homes. Water was brought by the servants from the Nile, and as for the soap, they used a substance called natron, which is a natural mineral consisting of a mixture of 4 types of salt, which was also used during mummification.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1-----46
!!The medical development of the Egyptians has reached advanced stages. They were among the first to use penicillin (which is one of the most important and oldest antibiotics) and may not have realized it, as they put moldy bread on the wounds. In general, as we mentioned earlier, their interest in hygiene, in addition to their medical development, made deaths after surgery in ancient Egypt less than any European hospital - until the middle of the last century
Because of their fear of the lice insect and in order to protect themselves from it, both men and women used to shave their heads and wear wigs that protect them from the scorching sun of all kinds. For example, the upper classes of society used expensive wigs, which were made of human hair or horse hair, and were decorated with gold or silver threads. As for the poor, they used wigs made by hand from papyrus.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1-----47
Not all ancient Egyptians could afford shoes, so most of them walked barefoot (even the nobles), especially in their homes. To protect their feet from the sun and insects, they used to put special ointments on their feet. As for the rich classes, they had foot care specialists! Where they were grooming and trimming nails with a knife and a nail file (currently the pedicure process), and this profession was so honorable that it was indicated on the person’s grave after his death.
10Amazing and strange information about the ancient Egyptians that baffled even history  teachers 1-----48
They made sure that marriages took place within the family, to preserve the purity of the bloodline and to narrow the circle of potential claimants to the throne. Until it came to them that the brothers marry each other. In some cases, the pharaoh married a girl who was his sister's daughter. Over time, these things became popular with ordinary Egyptians as well.

Source: websites