Car manufacturing: Algeria and Germany hand in hand
Car manufacturing: Algeria and Germany hand in hand 1309
Automotive – Algeria seems to be attracting more and more global car manufacturers: after Italy, Japan and China, it is Germany's turn to show its interest in construction within Algerian territory.
Indeed, Germany could well also move towards the automotive market in Algeria and bring to the country a unique expertise in the world in construction. Indeed, with the revival of the sector, in particular with the installation of a new local industry, several manufacturers have expressed their interest in setting up a factory on national soil.
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Indeed, with the developments in the automobile file, the year 2023 promises to be busy for the Algerian car assembly market. Last Tuesday, the Deputy Minister at the German Ministry of the Economy, Franziska Brantner, announced her country's intention to cooperate with Algeria in the field of vehicle manufacturing.
An ambition expressed during his meeting with the Algerian Minister of Industry, Ahmed Zeghdar. During a “very rich” interview, the two parties discussed the mechanical and automotive industry.
Franziska Brantner thus expressed Germany's willingness to contribute to the development of the mechanical industry and mechanical construction in Algeria. The generalist media El Awras reports the information.
Germany in Algeria, know-how to pass on
For the moment, the German minister has not mentioned the companies that are interested in the idea of setting up their vehicle assembly firms in Algeria. However, everything suggests that the Porche SE group will be one of the first to want to take the first step. This includes German vehicle brands such as Volkswagen, Audi, Škoda and Seat.
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If the prospect of the establishment of German industry in Algeria materializes, the country will have much to gain from German expertise, experience and know-how. Especially since it is a question of the first economic power in Europe and the fourth in the world.

Source: websites