Two stars 'show signs' of extraterrestrial civilizations
Two stars 'show signs' of extraterrestrial civilizations 1-461
Astrophysicist Alexander Panov has detected two stars that may show signs of extraterrestrial civilizations. It explains what kind of objects they are and why they should be of interest to experts.
Two stars 'show signs' of extraterrestrial civilizations 1-462
Panov claimed that current observatory technology makes it possible to find systems inhabited by extraterrestrials. Specifically, he said there are two stars that could harbor civilizations.
He pointed out that when an object passes in front of a star, its mass "wobbles" slightly, but this is not always the case. It may not react to certain objects.
It is precisely the absence of this reaction that indicates the passage of an "astro-engineered" structure; its too low mass would not affect the star.
?Evidence of life in two stars
Similar objects are found using the transit method. Special stations, which theoretically can be built by extraterrestrial civilizations, become discernible as they pass through the stellar disk.
In a telescope, this looks like a decrease in visibility in a certain area.
Recently, experts managed to find two stars where this evidence is observed: 1SWASP-J161732.90+242119.0 in the constellation Hercules and an object in the star system Tabby in the constellation Cygnus.
The two stars are unique. Scientists suspect the presence of extraterrestrial activity, but there is still very little information.
In 2004, the mysterious star in the constellation of Hercules caught the attention of astrophysicists. Experts noticed that a certain object passed in front of her 16 times, in an interval of about 35 hours. This was demonstrated by the transit method.
Obscuration of the star showed that the diameter of the object is slightly smaller than that of Jupiter, which is quite large. But the star did not react in any way.
Two stars 'show signs' of extraterrestrial civilizations 1--198
Hercules Constellation (left), Cygnus Constellation (right)
Through further calculations, scientists have determined that the mass of this object is about 3% of the mass of the gas giant.
?Not a planet
But astronomers do not consider it a planet because its enormous size is not compatible with a very "undeveloped" mass. It is possible that this object is technological; a complex creation of an extraterrestrial civilization.
The second star is known to be 1500 light years away. What intrigues in this mysterious object, it is its periodic darkening, inexplicable for the experts.
The fact is that, in general, everything is strange with the Star Tabby; sometimes it slips into its disk for 80 days, then flies off like a bullet in 5 days.
This is not typical of planets which always revolve around the star at the same speed and in the same amount of time.
Could these two stars be the first evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life? So far, the origin of this phenomenon is not really known, but we may find out in the next few years, when the technology has advanced further.
