A Russian spacecraft docks with the International Space Station to return stranded astronauts
A Russian spacecraft docks with the International Space Station to return stranded astronauts 1-332
A Russian spacecraft has launched a mission to bring back the three stranded cosmonauts (AFP)
They are stranded after a leak begins in the cooling system of their MS-22 spacecraft.
The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) said today, Sunday, that the spacecraft that launched a mission to return the three astronauts stranded on the International Space Station has docked with the station.
The Soyuz M capsule was launched . S-23 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, on Friday, on a mission aimed at returning the Russian astronauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitry Petlin and the American Francisco Rubio. All three are scheduled to be brought back in September.
A Russian spacecraft docks with the International Space Station to return stranded astronauts 1-333
The three were due to end their mission in March but were stranded in space after a leak began in their M spacecraft's cooling system. S-22. And that damaged capsule will be returned without personnel next month.
Roscosmos said, on the “Telegram” application, “Today, at 3:58 am Moscow time (00:58 GMT), the uninhabited capsule Soyuz MS-23 automatically docked with the Puisk unit (designated for landing vehicles) at the International Space Station.”

Roscosmos and the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe that the leak occurred because a small cosmic rock hit the capsule very quickly.

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