Is the International Space Station nearing its end? A Russian expert answers
Is the International Space Station nearing its end? A Russian expert answers 11194
The Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) announced on Friday that its part of the International Space Station is so dilapidated that the latter is “close to the end of its existence,” while Moscow is counting on building its own station despite the difficulties facing this sector.
The head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, said that “80% of the Russian equipment has already exceeded all maximum warranty periods” that allow it to remain in service in the orbital laboratory, which Moscow plays a major role in maintaining.
Is the International Space Station nearing its end? A Russian expert answers 1-2712
He explained in an interview with the public television channel "Russia 24" that "the International Space Station is approaching the end of its existence." The station, which began its assembly in 1998, represented a model of international cooperation, especially between the United States and Russia.
It was scheduled to be withdrawn from service in 2024, but the US Space Agency (NASA) indicated the possibility of continuing its work until 2030. Many technical problems have occurred recently in the Russian part of the International Space Station, including three leakage incidents, such as those that occurred in The Naoka unit in early October, which did not endanger the crew.
Is the International Space Station nearing its end? A Russian expert answers 1-2713
Russia announced in July 2022 that it intends to withdraw from the International Space Station, as its astronauts are permanently present there. . Therefore, the establishment of a new Russian orbital station is considered the main priority for Roscosmos.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that the first part of this new Russian space station is expected to be placed in orbit in 2027, promising to continue the conquest of space despite recent setbacks.
Is the International Space Station nearing its end? A Russian expert answers 1--1325
The Russian space sector, which has historically been the country's pride, has been suffering for years from financing problems, corruption scandals and failures, including the loss of the Luna-25 lunar probe in August.

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