An Algerian manuscript in a French auction.. Anger on communication sites
An Algerian manuscript in a French auction.. Anger on communication sites 1-815
an algerian manuscript dating back to the sixteenth century (facebook / ultra algeria)
A controversy has erupted on social media recently, due to the display of ancient Algerian manuscripts at a public auction in France, which are likely to date back to the seventeenth century AD.
The manuscript, which was seized by French colonialism, belongs to Emir Abd al-Qadir al-Jazairi
An Algerian manuscript in a French auction.. Anger on communication sites 1-816
Algerian activists and observers appealed to both the Ministry of Culture and the Mujahideen to intervene and restore Algerian heritage stolen during the colonial period, considering that the process of selling it at public auction is a provocation to Algeria.
Many unanimously agreed that the manuscript, which was "stolen" by the French authorities from Algeria, belongs to Al-Hadi Abu Al-Surour bin Abd al-Rahman al-Abdi al-Shafi'i, and dates back to 1659, and they expressed their discontent with the silence of the authorities and their lack of response to the loss of history.
An Algerian manuscript in a French auction.. Anger on communication sites 1--373
In this context, Samir wrote a tweet in which he asked about the role of the Algerian authorities, and said in a post on social media: "Where is the Algerian Minister of Culture? Where are the Algerian consuls and embassy in Paris? Algerian historical manuscripts dating back to 1620, stolen by French colonialism in 1842, are for sale." At auction in France, starting March 11.
In the same direction, Riad Bouhafs considers that all the manuscripts and historical monuments of Algeria should be demanded back, explaining that what happened was a plan to sell Algerian manuscripts at auction, and that it came as a revenge and provocation to Algeria from Zionist parties, as he put it.
An Algerian manuscript in a French auction.. Anger on communication sites 1--374
In turn , Muhammad Abqasem blames the Algerian authorities for delaying responding to the news of the sale of Algerian manuscripts at an auction in France, and the speaker commented, "The owners of patriotism and mercy on the martyrs, where are you? The Ministry of Mujahideen, where are you?"
For his part, Abu Al-Ezz Imad shared one of the publications in which he said: "While inventing a new history for Algeria, Toponymy ... Algerian historical manuscripts will be sold at public auction in France on Saturday, March 11, dating back to the year 1620, and they were stolen during the French colonial period in Algeria in 1842." ".
Followers of the Ministries of Culture and the Mujahideen are calling for intervention and the retrieval of the historical manuscript

As for the blogger Farid Farid , he explained in this context that the manuscript belongs to Al-Hadi Abu Al-Surour bin Abd al-Rahman al-Abdi al-Shafi’i, in Islamic jurisprudence, dating back to 1659, and was stolen from Algeria in 1842, when it was seized by Lieutenant Plenary, a French officer in the African army, after a raid On Prince Abdul Qadir.

Source : websites