Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease: ways to overcome it, according to a psychologist
Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease 13-352
Learn about ways to control anger and stress in personal and professional relationships
Anger poisons the body. Feelings of anger and stress are essential components of psychology, and are studied comprehensively to understand their impact on the behavior and mental health of individuals.
In psychology, anger is defined as an intense feeling of resentment or distress that arises as a result of an individual's perception of a threat or feeling of injustice or humiliation. Anger ranges from feelings of anxiety to nervous tension, and is usually a reaction to stressful or stimulating situations.
Learn about ways to control anger and tension in personal and professional relationships with social psychology specialist Azniv Bulatian through the following article:
Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease 13-353
Social psychologist Aznev Bulatian
Improve mood and bring happiness
Many women suffer from haste in expressing their annoyance or anger, but “taming anger” has important benefits, not only in improving the mood and bringing happiness, but also in improving the health of the body. Constant stress and anger are linked to a wide range of health problems, including overeating, insomnia, and depression, and angry outbursts can increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
The degree of anger ranges from slight resentment to violent outburst, and may be accompanied by changes in breathing, heart rate, and sweating, in addition to its negative psychological effects on the individual’s behavior and thinking.
Understanding feelings of anger and stress in psychology helps develop strategies to deal with them correctly and effectively, and contributes to improving the quality of life and personal relationships.
Causes of feelings of anger and tension
Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease 13--92
The causes of feelings of anger and tension are diverse and differ from one person to another and from one situation to another. Among the common reasons are:
Daily stressors: Daily life experiences such as work stress, financial problems and family tension may cause feelings of anger and tension.
Responding to difficult situations: Situations that make a person feel wronged, humiliated, or out of control can trigger feelings of anger and stress.
Social interactions: Conflicts in interpersonal relationships, lack of understanding and social isolation may lead to increased feelings of anger and tension .
Biological factors: Some people may be more likely to experience feelings of anger and stress as a result of genetic factors or hormonal changes.
Psychological stressors: Anxiety, depression, and feelings of self-dissatisfaction may increase the individual’s response to situations with anger and tension.
Understanding these reasons helps in identifying problems and developing strategies to deal with them effectively and constructively.
Ways to control feelings of anger and stress
Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease 13--93
There are several ways to control feelings of anger and tension, perhaps the most prominent of which are:
Deep breathing: Focus on deep, slow breathing for at least ten seconds, which helps calm the body and relieve stress.
Positive thinking: Try to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts, and focus on solutions instead of problems.
Expressing it correctly: Learn how to express your feelings clearly and respectfully, without resorting to violence or aggression.
Exercise: Do exercise regularly, as it helps improve mood and relieve stress.
Self-care: Make time to do activities that you enjoy and calm you, such as reading, drawing, and meditation.
Find support: Talk to friends or a loved one about your feelings, or seek support from mental health professionals when needed.
Plan for future interactions: Identify ways in which you can deal with potential situations that may trigger feelings of anger and stress in advance.
“Timeline Therapy” technique or one of the effective psychological methods to get rid of anger and stress: This method relies on the use of visualization and recall techniques to help individuals regain control of their feelings and change negative behaviors (Timeline Therapy). The timeline therapy technique works to explore and understand negative events and experiences that may have caused anger and stress in the past, and then helps individuals process these events and change the way they react to them. By visualizing events and experiences in a new way and changing negative perceptions of them, individuals can reduce feelings Negativity associated with anger and stress, freeing themselves from accumulated negative emotions. However, you must work with a mental health professional who is qualified in the schedule therapy technique to ensure it is applied in a safe and effective manner according to each individual's needs.
By applying these strategies, you can improve your ability to control feelings of anger and stress and achieve psychological calm and inner peace.
Stress and anger management: Conclusion
Stress and anger increase the risk of heart disease 13---33
In the end, the ability to control anger and stress is manifested in the ability to achieve psychological balance and mental health. By understanding the causes of these feelings and anticipating their effects on our lives, we gain the ability to develop effective strategies to deal with them, whether that is through psychological exercises such as the schedule therapy technique, Or through exercise and relaxation, we can develop anger and stress management skills and lead a calmer and more peaceful life. With continuous work and strong will, we can build bridges of inner peace and achieve personal satisfaction in every aspect of our lives.
It is useful for you to follow the methods of breathing sessions and their importance for health.. A specialist in social psychology speaks .

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